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Advanced report settings

Accountants Enterprise only

When you use a standard template, the template controls items like margins and styles. If you decide to customise these items within a layout, you should set any parameters that are applied to the page first. Report settings include margins, printer settings, styles and the grid that controls the exact positioning of items on a page.

Report settings are accessed by clicking Page Setup on the Tasks bar while in the Report Designer page. The icons for each category of Report Settings are located on the left side of the Report Settings page; click an icon to access the available options.

Page setup

The margins enable you to adjust the margin space on each edge of the page and to provide for a left hand gutter as used in bound documents. You are also able to set mirror margins to allow for double-sided reports.

Measurements are, by default, displayed in inches but you can change this to centimetres (see "Global Settings" below).

Printer settings

 The Printer Settings options enable you to switch between Portrait and Landscape orientation, to change paper size and to control the options on a default printer.


Styles work as they do in Microsoft Word. You are able to define named styles which are then available for use within the report layout. Most commonly you may want to set styles for headings so that a standard look and feel can be applied to reports. Should you want to change the default Normal style, edit it just once here rather than continually changing it within the Report work area.

Global Settings

Here you can choose to display a grid and to adjust the measurements that control the grid in the report work area. The grid is used to assist with alignment of objects; auto alignment can be activated selecting the Align controls to grid checkbox.

The Global Settings window also enables you to switch between inches and centimetres for the ruler units within the report work area.

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