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Changing the homepage window layout

Practice Manager only

You can amend your Job Sheet homepage to best suit your preferences and requirements.

To change the homepage layout
  1. Right-click on the Job Sheet homepage and select Field Chooser.

  2. Click and drag the any of the following fields from the Field Chooser to the heading row of the Job Sheet table in the location where you would like it to be displayed. Each job mode has its own selection.

    The order of the fields added using the Field Chooser can be changed by dragging the headings to another location.

  3. When you have finished setting up the Job Sheet, select Save homepage from the Tasks bar to save your changes.

    You can reset your Job Sheet to the default settings using Reset homepage on the Tasks bar.

Available Field Chooser options for the Assignments and Schedules job mode (AE)



Assigned To

This field indicates the person responsible for the job or schedule. For a job, this field can be set up either on the Add Job wizard or the Job Sheet homepage control. For a schedule, this field can only be entered from the Job Sheet homepage.

Assignment Department

This field displays the department details for the assignment to which the job or schedule belongs.

Assignment Manager

This field displays the manager details for the assignment to which the job or schedule belongs.

Assignment Office

This field displays the office details for the assignment to which the job or schedule belongs.

Assignment Partner

This field displays the partner details for the assignment to which the job or schedule belongs.

Assignment Type

This field displays the assignment type details of the assignment to which the job or schedule belongs.

Billing Parent

This field displays the parent client’s name for the billing group.

Billing Parent Code

This field displays the parent client’s code for the billing group.


This field displays the total budget available for the job or schedule.

Budget Left

This field displays the value calculated from Budget minus Total WIP.


This field is a hyperlink which opens the Assignment Details page > Main tab.

Client Code

The client code for the client associated with the job. It is a hyperlink which opens the Client page > Main tab.

Client Department

This field displays the department details for the client to whom the job or schedule belongs.

Client Manager

This field displays the manager’s details for the client to whom the job or schedule belongs.

Client Name

The name of the client associated with the job. It is a hyperlink which opens the Client page > Main tab.

Client Office

This field displays the office details for the client to whom the job or schedule belongs.

Client Partner

This field displays the partner’s details for the client to whom the job or schedule belongs.

Days Left

This field is the current date subtracted from the Target Date.

Family Group

This field displays the family group associated with the client.


The name of the job or schedule. When you create a new job or schedule, the field defaults to the current year. However, the field is a text field and you will be able to change the name as required. The Job/Schedule field is a hyperlink and will either open the Edit Job/Schedule window or it will open the Assignment Details page > Schedule tab.


This field contains information regarding the job which has been entered in the Notes field on the Add/Edit Job window. Note that the Notes column is only applicable to jobs and not available for schedules.

Target Date

This field displays the completion date of the job or schedule. Jobs that have not exceeded their target date are displayed in black. Jobs that have exceeded their target date are displayed in red.

Total WIP

This field displays the total posted and unposted WIP.

Available Field Chooser options available for the Assignments, Schedules and Jobs and Assignments, Schedules, Jobs and Job Time Recording job modes (AE)



Assigned To

This field indicates the person responsible for the job. For a job, this field can be set up either on the Add Job wizard or the Job Sheet homepage control. For a schedule, this field can only be entered from the Job Sheet homepage.

Billing Parent

This field displays the parent client’s name for the billing group.


This field displays the total budget available for the job or schedule.

Budget Left

This field displays the value calculated from Budget minus Total WIP.

Client Code

The client code for the client associated with the job. It is a hyperlink which opens the Client page > Main tab.

Client Department

This field displays the department details for the client to whom the job or schedule belongs.

Client/Job Type

This field is a hyperlink which opens theJob Type window on the Main tab.

Client Manager

This field displays the manager’s details for the client to whom the job or schedule belongs.

Client Name

The name of the client associated with the job. It is a hyperlink which opens the Client page > Main tab.

Client Office

This field displays the office details for the client to whom the job or schedule belongs.

Client Partner

This field displays the partner’s details for the client to whom the job or schedule belongs.

Days Left

This field is the current date subtracted from the Target Date.

Family Group

This field displays the family group associated with the client.


This field is the name of the job. When you create a new job the field defaults to the current year. However, the field is a text field and you will be able to change the name as required. The Job field is hyperlinked and will open the Edit Job window.

Job Type

This field displays the job type details to which the job belongs.

Job Type Department

This field displays the department for the job type to which the job belongs.

Job Type Manager

This field displays the manager for the job type to which the job belongs.

Job Type Office

This field displays the office for the job type to which the job belongs.


This field contains the information entered in the Notes field on the Add/Edit Job window. Note that the Notes column is only applicable to jobs and not available for schedules.

Target Date

This field displays the completion date of the job or schedule. Jobs that have not exceeded their target date are displayed in black. Jobs that have exceeded their target date are displayed in red.

Total WIP

This field displays the total posted and unposted WIP.

Field chooser options (AO)




The total value of posted and unposted WIP.

Assigned To

The person responsible for the job.

Billing Parent

The parent client’s name for the billing group.

Billing Parent Code

The parent client’s code for the billing group.


The total budget available for the job.

Budget Left

A calculated value derived from Budget minus Actual.

Client Code

The client code for the client associated with the job. It is a hyperlink which opens the Client page > Main tab.

Client Department

The department details for the client to whom the job belongs.


The job name.

Client Manager

The manager’s details for the client to whom the job belongs.

Client Name

The name of the client associated with the job. It is a hyperlink which opens the Client page > Main tab.

Client Office

The office’s details for the client to whom the job belongs.

Client Partner

The partner’s details for the client to whom the job belongs.

Days Left

The current date subtracted from the Target Date.

Family Group

The name of the family group that the client belongs to.

Job Department

The department that the job is assigned to.

Job Manager

The manager that the job is assigned to.

Job Office

The office that the job is assigned to.

Job Partner

The partner that the job is assigned to.

Job Type

The job details.


Information regarding the job.

Target Date

Completion date of the job. The target date for jobs that have not exceeded their target date are displayed in black. Jobs that have passed their target date are displayed in red.

Year End

The client’s year end.

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