The Job Sheet homepage can be used to monitor, track and filter jobs that are performed in the practice.
The default display headings are:
Accountants Enterprise (AE)
Accountants Office (AO)
Assigned To
Target Date
Days Left
Budget Left
MIlestones created
Assigned To
Target Date
Days Left
Budget Left
Milestones converted/created
Job Sheet right-click menu
The Job Sheet right-click menu provides the options available for the relevant column. For example, the right-click on the Assigned To column is different to the right-click menu on the Days Left column.
If you're using Accountants Enterprise (AE)
The right-click menu options enable you to:
Delete, cut, copy or paste.
Change and clear the status of a milestone for a job.
Add comments
Include completed jobs*
Filter the jobs shown
Switch from using icons to dates.
Switch between including and excluding closed jobs
Create Timesheets (Right-click the job on the Job Sheet homepage and click Create Timesheet. See Timesheets, disbursements and expenses. The level of detail recorded in a timesheet is governed by the job mode. See Job modes.)
Create Bills. (Right-click the job on the Job Sheet homepage and click Create Bill. See Billing)
Show Field Chooser.
Roll forward jobs.
Export to Excel (only available when the milestone dates are displayed, i.e. when not using the icon view).
*By default closed jobs are not displayed in the table. Select the Include Closed Jobs option on the right-click menu to view closed jobs on the homepage control. When the End milestone of a job is marked as complete, the job is considered closed and is not displayed with the open jobs.
If you're using Accountants Office (AO)
The right-click menu options enable you to:
Delete, cut, copy or paste
Filter the jobs shown
Switch between including and excluding closed jobs