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Creating a part-time or casual employee

You may have employees that work on a part-time or casual basis. They could work regular hours on a weekly or fortnightly basis, or irregular hours during an entire month.

When an employee changes from full-time to part-time work, we recommend you create a new employee with their new standard hours. This ensures both the current year and prior year reports have the correct productivity percentages.

When creating an employee:

  • where they work regular days and hours, Creating a new employee like a full-time employee; just with less hours in their time table.
  • where they work irregular days/ hours, set their time table to have 0.00 hours Monday to Friday.
    If for example they work 10 hours a week, it's recommended to enter 10 hours against a single day. The employee will then appear in Productivity reports for the month.
Additional steps (AE only)

If an employee isn't expected to work on any set days and has no standard hours set, we recommend these additional steps:

  • Create a new employee category called 'Part-Time' for example, with no hours set in the time table. This is to stop the employee appearing on a Missing Timesheet report in error.
  • Link the new category to the employee.
  • Set Enforce Time Table to None to let the employee complete their timesheets without errors on the days they do work.

To setup a new Employee Category
  1. Go to Maintenance > Employee > Employee Categories. The Employee Categories tab opens.
  2. In the first row, at the Name field, type in Part-time for example. Press Tab through the remaining fields.
  3. Either:
    • Click the X to the right of the Employee Categories tab
    • Right-click the Employee Categories tab to save the changes. The Employee Categories tab closes.
To link Part Time category to the employee
  1. On the toolbar, click the Contacts drop-down and choose Employees. The Find Employees tab opens.
  2. In the Search for field, type the employee code or name and click Search. The Employee record appears.
  3. Double-click the employee name to open the record. The employee's Main tab opens.
  4. In the Stationed section Category field, select the new category Part-time.
  5. Press OK to save. The employee tab closes.
To set the enforce time table

An accounting practice generally requires employees to enter timesheets for a minimum number of hours per day. They set an enforce option to Daily to force employees to enter in their minimum hours. This does not apply for part time employees working irregular hours. The enforce option in this case should be set to None.

  1. On the toolbar, click the Contacts drop-down and choose Employees. The Find Employees tab opens.
  2. In the Search for field, type the employee code or name and click Search. The Employee record appears.
  3. Double-click the employee name to open the record. The employee's Main tab opens.
  4. Click the Time table tab. The Time table tab opens.
  5. Under the time table, locate Enforce Time Table and choose None.
  6. Press OK to save. The employee tab closes.
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