You create an employee via the Create Employee Wizard. You can add the employee’s basic information and add the remaining details later. If the practice is using my.logins, you must either create or add a login or cancel the Create Employee Wizard.
When creating an employee:
there are mandatory fields in the Step 1 of the wizard
you can change information in previous steps of the wizard by clicking Back
you can click Finish at any time to save information about the employee and exit the wizard.
Ensure you add the correct charge rates for any new employee. Check this before letting them enter their timesheets.
There are 6 steps in the wizard in MYOB Accountants Office and 8 steps in MYOB Accountants Enterprise.
At the end of the wizard, you're prompted with the Edit MYOBlogin window. Once the employee is created, there are additional steps for AE sites to complete. This is to ensure the new employee has the correct settings. See Reviewing employee settings (AE) only below.
Step 1—Employee Personal Details (AE/AO)
You must complete all the mandatory fields indicated by a red triangle . The warning icon displays against the field if you haven't entered a value.
Open the Create Employee Wizard. See Opening the Create Employee Wizard. The Create Employee Wizard opens at Step 1—Employee Personal Details.
Fill in the relevant fields below:
A mandatory field. The code must be unique; you can't use a code that's used by employee, client, or (AE) supplier. Allows a maximum of 8 alphanumeric characters.
The following characters aren't allowable in the employee Code: ~ ? * | - + + ,
Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss, Dr, etc
First Name
Given Name
Last Name
A mandatory field. Enter the surname / family name.
With MYOB Logins activated, the U/Name field isn't a mandatory field. The employee’s user name generates using the details of their name i.e. first name last name
When MYOB logins aren't activated, this a mandatory field and used to access the database.
AE only - Access Save With Contacts and MAS Integration using your U/name.
Select Male or Female.
Enter the D.O.B. in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select from the drop-down calendar. The employee’s Age is automatically calculated based on the date of birth.
Birth Place
Enter place of birth if required.
Start Date
The employment start date. Enter the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select from the drop-down calendar.
Select the department the employee works for.
Select the office the employee works in.
Select the company the employee works for (AE). The company defaults for AO.
Centre (AE)
Select the cost centre the employee belongs to, if applicable.
Category (AE)
Select the category the employee belongs to, for example, Partner, Manager, Accountant.
The name that the person prefers to be called. For example, Chris or Mrs Lee (which displays in correspondence as Dear Chris or Dear Mrs Lee).
Mailing Name
The name used for mail; an alternative to the full name or salutation. The employee’s full name defaults when you tab through the field.
Enter the employee’s initials, if required. The employee’s initial of their first name defaults when you tab through the field.
Cost/Hr (AO)
Enter the cost per hour for the employee if required. Employee costs display on Client WIP reports by default. You can turn this off by changing task permissions. See Changing or updating employee cost rates.
Click Next.
Step 2—Employee Extra Details (AE/AO)
In this area you can enter extra information the practice wants to collect per employee. Extras are set up by your system administrator and can be set as mandatory fields.
To view the configuration, select Maintenance > Maintenance Map > User defined > Extra Fields and / or Maintenance > Maintenance Map > User defined > Extra Lists.
Some examples of extras are:
specialist field
employee group.
You must complete all the mandatory fields indicated by a red triangle . The warning icon displays against the field if you haven't entered or selected a value.
To enter the extra details:
Where relevant, enter or select a value for the Extra Fields and Extra Lists.
indicates an extra field. Type the value in the Value field.
indicates an extra list. Select a value from the drop-down that displays when you click the Value field.
Click Next. This information transfers to the Employee page > Extras tab from where you can amend it later on.
Step 3—Employee Address Details (AE/AO)
Enter the address and contact information for the employee in the appropriate fields.
To add the email address, right-click the Enter Email Address Here hyperlink. Overtype the existing text with the employee’s email address.
If you left-click the hyperlink, a new email message opens.
Click Next. This information transfers to the Employee page > Personal tab of the new employee.
If you use Document Manager (DM)
If you use Document Manager, perform the following steps for the new employee.
Open Intranet so the new employee can add new documents
Select the drop-down arrow under the DocumentIcon.
Select the homepage - Intranet.
Open PDF Manager
Open PDF Manager and from the Help drop-down menu select License PDF Manager. The Licence MYOB PDF Manager window opens.
It the Save to field, note the full file path. The location of your license file has been noted.
Open PDF Manager on the machine that has had the software installed. The Register Software screen appears.
At the Locate existing license field, click the ellipses [...] button and navigate to the path file noted in Step 2. The location of the license file is accessed.
Highlight the PDFmgr.lic file and click Open. The Register Sofware screen returns and the location of the license file appears in the Locate existing license field.
Click OK. The PDF Manager installation is now licensed.
Accept the default security group: Basic1 (AE) or Everyone (AO)
Select a different security group for the employee:
Click the default row under the Group heading, for example.
Click the ellipse button. The Find Security Group window opens.
Click Search. All Security Groups and their descriptions display.
Select the Security Group you want for the employee.
Click OK. The Security Group displays and the Find Security Group window closes.
Click Next. This information transfers to the Employee page > Security Groups tab.
Step 5—Employee Salary/Cost (AE)
Use the Employee Salary/Cost tab to record salary, benefits and leave details for an employee.
Salary/Benefit types (B) and Leave types (C) are created by your system administrator via Maintenance > Employee > Employee Benefit Type and Maintenance > Employee > Employee Leave Type.
It's not designed as a payroll system so we don't recommend using it other than recording a cost per hour (A).
The Leave section has to be updated each year for every employee to display current entitlements in the Employee Leave homepage.
The system will calculate a cost per hour once you have added a time table for an employee. You must then edit this tab to refresh the details.
Enter the employee’s Salary/Benefit details (B):
Enter the employee’s Start Date. Enter the date in format dd/mm/yyyy or select it from the drop-down calendar.
Enter the employee’s End Date (if applicable). Enter the date in format dd/mm/yyyy or select it from the drop-down calendar.
Select the Benefit Type from the drop-down.
Enter any Details to be recorded with the benefit. A maximum of 50 alphanumeric characters is allowable.
Enter the Annual Value amount. This figure's used to calculate the employee’s cost rate.
Click the Include checkbox. This includes the salary amount in the employee’s cost rate calculation. The figures entered in the Salary/Benefit table and the assigned number of working hours calculate the cost per hour.
If necessary, overtype the Cost/Hr amount (A).
Enter the Leave details for the employee (C):
Enter the employee’s leave Start Date. Enter the date in format dd/mm/yyyy or select it from the drop-down calendar.
Enter the employee’s leave End Date. Enter the date in format dd/mm/yyyy or select it from the drop-down calendar.
Enter the number of Days of leave entitlement.
Select the type of leave from the drop-down.
Click the Productive checkbox, if required.
Click Next. You will need to revisit the Employee page > Salary/Cost tab once the time table details are input. The system will calculate the cost per hour once the yearly hours are displayed.
Step 5—Time Table (AO)
Enter the total hours the employee must work each day. Press Tab to move to the next field.
The Total weekly work hours calculates based on the standard hours entered per day. Enter the daily total time in the format 00.00, e.g., for an seven and a half hour work day enter 07.50.
Click Next.
Step 6—Employee Charge Rates (AE/AO)
The employee Charge Rate is the amount charged for the employee’s work.
Enter the Start Date of the employee charge rate. Enter the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select it from the drop-down calendar.
Enter the End Date (if applicable) of the employee charge rate. Enter the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select it from the drop-down calendar.
Select the Charge Rate Type from the drop-down list.
Enter the correct Hourly Rate for the employee and press Enter.
Repeat Steps 1 to 4 if multiple charge rates are necessary.
Click Next (AE) or Finish (AO).
Step 7—Time Table (AE)
You can enter the employee’s hours of work in one of two ways:
(A) Enter the number of hours the employee will be working for each day of the week. Enter the daily total time in the format 00.00, e.g., for an seven and a half hour work day enter 07.50
(B) Click Category to apply the Standard Hours of work set up for the employee category you assigned in Step 1.
Review theEnforce Time Table setting (C).
For a full time employee, change the enforce option to Daily. This forces them to enter their standard hours each day before they can post their timesheets.
For a part time employee who works non standard hours and days, leave the enforce set to None.
Click Next.
Step 8—Employee Authorisation Details (AE)
This step of the wizard sets up the authorisations for:
the employee to authorise bills and timesheets of others.
who can authorise the employee’s bills and timesheets.
who the employee can authorise on behalf of.
If you know which permissions you want to give the employee, complete this step in the wizard. You can also click Finish and create the authorisations later using the Employee page > Authorisation tab.
To set the authorisations:
Choose the Authorisation type, for example Timesheet or Billing (A).
Change the View type to Authorised by (B).
Under the Is Authorised by column (C), click the Employee field. An ellipsis button [...] appears.
Click the ellipsis [...] button. The Find Employees screen appears.
Search for the employee who will authorise the timesheets and / or bills for this employee. Type the employee name or code in the Search for field and click Search. The search results display.
Highlight the employee and click OK.
The employee's name appears in the new record row in the Employee field. Press Enter to accept the selection.
Click Finish to complete the set up or click Back to review the details before clicking Finish. The Employee page for the new employee opens.
Additional step—Adding the MYOB Login (AE/AO)
Once you've stepped through the wizard and clicked Finish, the Edit MYOB login window appears.
If your employees log in to AE/AO using my.MYOB logins, or you would like to set up this type of access method, complete this section. Otherwise, click Cancel.
Although the Edit MYOB login window lets you create an MYOB login, to ensure the best experience, if the employee doesn't already have an MYOB login, we recommend first creating the user in my.MYOB via My Account. This creation process also lets you select option to give the user access to my.MYOB. Once you've created the my.MYOB user, you can link that account to the employee that you created as part of the process on this page.
Select This employee has an MYOB Login and enter their registered email address in the MYOB Login field.
Click OK to save the changes.
Reviewing employee settings (AE only)
Once you have created a new employee, there are some additional settings for you to review:
Open the employee record and click the Timesheet tab. Change the Time Processing Category to Daily (recommended), unless staff use a weekly timesheet.
The default timesheet view for a new employee is Periodic. See Changing timesheet data entry modes if you need to change the timesheet mode to Daily or Calendar.
If the employee can correct their posted timesheets, you'll need to update the Authorisation tab once you click Finish. Change the Authorisation type to Timesheets. Under the Can Authorise section, search for and add the new employee.
Ask the new employee to log into AE and click the Timesheet icon. Check the timesheet window opens and has the correct settings. If the employee can't create a timesheet, close and re-open AE and click the Timesheet icon again.
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