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Document options

In this stage of creating a mail merge, you select how the document will be filed and what is included.


To select the document options (AO)
  1. Select the Document option:
    • Single document, separate pages
      This option creates only one Microsoft Word document with each client or contact letter starting on a new page. You must select a contact whose details will be recorded for this document. All documents will be saved against this Main selected contact.
      If you are creating an email, the Single document, separate pages option is disabled and cannot be selected.

  • Multiple documents This option creates multiple Microsoft Word documents, one for each selected client or contact in the Find Clients list. Each document will be saved with each contact’s profile in their Documents tab.
    If you are creating an email, the Multiple documents option is selected by default.

  • If you have selected the Multiple documents option, enter a Description. The Description field is mandatory. This is required so that you can access the document once it is filed.
  • Click Finish. One of the two following options will occur:
    • The mail merge documents open in Microsoft Word ready to be saved/printed and sent.
    • The mail merge email will be sent.
  • To select options if you have Windows Explorer view set for documents (AE)

    The Windows Explorer view for documents is set from MaintenanceDocuments > Document Storage Settings where you select the Specify a documents folder for each client option.

    1. Select the Document option:
      • Single document, separate pages
        This option creates only one Microsoft Word document with each client or contact letter starting on a new page. You must select a contact whose details will be recorded for this document. All documents will be saved against this Main selected contact.
        If you are creating an email, the Single document, separate pages option is disabled and cannot be selected.
      • Multiple documents 
        This option creates multiple Microsoft Word documents, one for each selected client or contact in the Find Clients list. Each document will be saved with each contact’s profile in their Documents tab.
        If you are creating an email, the Multiple documents option is selected by default.
    2. If you have selected the Multiple documents option, enter a Description. The Description field is mandatory. This is required so that you can access the document once it is filed.
    3. Click Finish. One of the two following options will occur:
      • The mail merge documents open in Microsoft Word ready to be saved/printed and sent.
      • The mail merge email will be sent.
    To select options if you have List view set for documents (AE)

    The List view for documents is set from MaintenanceDocuments > Document Storage Settings where you select the Create links to individual documents option.

    1. Select the Document and Other Information options:
      • Single document, separate pages
        This option creates only one Microsoft Word document with each client or contact letter starting on a new page. You must select a contact whose details will be recorded for this document. All documents will be saved against this Main selected contact.
        If you are creating an email, the Single document, separate pages option is disabled and cannot be selected.
      • Multiple documents
        This option creates multiple Microsoft Word documents, one for each selected client or contact in the Find Clients list. Each document will be saved with each contact’s profile in their Documents tab.
    2. If Multiple documents is selected, the Add to document history option is selected by default. Enter a meaningful Description

      History options can only be used when Multiple documents in the Document options section is selected.

      If you are creating an email, the Multiple documents and Add to document history options are selected by default. The Description field defaults to the Email subject entered in Email details. The Description field can be edited, if required. The Description field is mandatory.

    3. Click Finish. One of the two following options will occur:
      • The mail merge documents open in Microsoft Word ready to be saved/printed and sent.
      • The mail merge email will be sent.






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