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Editing and deleting email templates

To edit email templates
  1. Open the Maintain Email Templates window. You can open the Maintain Email Templates  window from either the Mail Merge Wizard or the Send via email window. See Creating a mail merge for emails or Emailing bills
  2. Edit the email template name.
  3. Edit the Text for the email subject or alternatively, click in the Text for the email subject field, then click the Insert merge field button at the end of the field to insert a merge field for the email subject text, if required. The Insert contact merge field window opens.
    1. Select the required merge field from the Available fields scrollable list.

    2. Click Insert. The Insert contact merge field window closes and the merge field displays in the Text for the email subject field.Enter the Text for the email body.
  4. Edit the Text for the email body. You can use the formatting toolbar to format the email content as required.

    If you want to add single-line spacing, click the end of a line or paragraph and press [Shift + Enter] on your keyboard instead of [Enter].


    • To add merge fields to the email body:
      1. Place your cursor in the position of the email body where the merge field is to be inserted.
      2. Click the Insert merge field button. The Insert contact merge field window opens.
      3. Select the required merge field from the Available fields scrollable list.
      4. Click Insert. The Insert contact merge field window closes and the merge field displays in the Text for the email body section at the cursor position.
    • Add an image to the email body:
      1. Place your cursor in the position of the email body where the image is to be inserted.
      2. Click the Insert image button.
      3. Select the appropriate image from the Open window.
      4. Click Open. The image displays in the Text for the email body section at the cursor position.
  5. Click OK.
To delete an email template when in the Mail Merge wizard
  1. Find and select your contacts. See Finding and opening clients and contacts or Finding and opening suppliers

  2. Click Mail merge wizard on the Tasks bar.

  3. At the second stage of the wizard, select the email template from the list that will be deleted.

  4. Right-click on the selected email template and select Delete template.A confirmation message is displayed.

  5. Click Yes to delete.The selected email template is deleted and no longer displays in the list. You are returned to the Mail Merge Wizard.

  6. Click Next.The Mail Merge Wizard — Email details window opens ready for you to select the mailing address. See "Email details" in Creating a mail merge for emails.

To delete an email template when in the Send via Email window
  1. Select Billing > Ready to Print from the toolbar. The Bills Ready To Print page opens.
  2. Find and select a bill.

  3. Select Send via email on the Tasks bar. The Send via email window opens.
  4. Click the ellipsis at the end of the Email template field. The Email Templates window opens.
  5. Select the email template to be deleted from the displayed list on the Email Templates window.
  6. Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed.
  7. Click Yes to delete. The selected email template is deleted and no longer displays in the list. You are returned to the Email Templates window.
  8. Click Close. You are returned to the Send via email window.
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