The default grouping is by assignment (AE)/job (AO). This means that you will see a list of all the client’s assignments/jobs with billable WIP against them and the total WIP for each listed assignment/job. You can group by one or more of the other options available: client, code type, employee, code or schedule.
To group by assignment/job, drag the required group heading to the Group bar on the page and the WIP items will be reset to reflect your choice. What you select here determines how the WIP lines are displayed when you double–click a WIP line to drill down in the items.
To view all billable WIP items, remove all grouping options from the Group bar.
Filter displayed WIP Items
You also have the option of filtering the WIP items for each group selected. If you right–click a group heading the Filter window is displayed. You can then deselect items in the window to only show those WIP items that fall within the selected filter options. For example, if you are viewing the client’s WIP items by employee, you could access the Filter Employee window and choose to only display the WIP recorded by one employee, rather than all employees who have recorded WIP for the client.
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