Opening basic format reports for editing and reformatting
Use the basic formatting tools (accessed from the Report fields and formatting tab on the NewReports page) to edit and reformat existing basic reports.
If you’re unsure whether the report you’re modifying contains custom formatting, check with the author of the report or your administrator.
All MYOB master reports contain custom formatting, so we recommend that you do not modify these reports.
To open an existing report for basic formatting or editing
Click Reports on the toolbar. The Reports page opens with the Tasks bar listing all of the available reporting areas and sub-areas.
Select the report area (for example, Client) and the sub-area (for example, Client list). This determines where your new report is listed and the fields that are available for your report. A list of existing reports under the selected report sub-area is displayed.
Select the report you want to edit or reformat.
Click Edit. The report opens in the Change Report page.
Click the Report fields and formatting tab. The Change Report Fields message is displayed.
Click No if you have already customised this report using Report Designer and need to keep those changes. You must continue to use Report Designer to make changes or all formatting will be lost.
Click Yes to continue.
The available fields for this report type are listed, ready for selection and formatting.
Click the Show selected report fields and formatting checkbox. The list of fields is replaced by a table showing the present fonts, font sizes, column widths and text alignments for the report text and headings.
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