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Phone and other details

You can add and edit phone, fax and email details for a client, contact or (AE) supplier using the Addresses tab:

You can make only one entry for each phone and detail type.

To add phone and other details for a client, contact or (AE) supplier
  1. Find and open the client, contact, or (AE) supplier.
  2. Click the Addresses tab. The existing address information for this client, contact or supplier is listed.
  3. Click the first blank line in the Description column of the Phone and Other Details section.
  4. Select the required type from the drop-down (e.g., Mobile, Email).

    (AO) These types are configured by your system administrator in Maintenance > Address/Phone > Phone number and Email address… 
    See Phone number and email address.

  5. Enter the number or web/email address in the Detail column.

    (AO) Phone numbers/email addresses marked as Primary are displayed on the Main tab.

  6. Click the checkbox in the Primary column if you have several phone numbers of this type (e.g., Business1, Business2) and you want this one to be the main phone number.
  7. Press [Enter].
  8. Repeat from Step 3. to add more phone numbers or other details.
  9. Click OK. To save the entered information and close the tab.
To edit phone and other details for a client, contact or (AE) supplier
  1. Find and open the client, contact or (AE) supplier.

  2. Click the Addresses tab. The existing address information for this client, contact or supplier is listed.

  3. To change the description used for a phone number (for example, to change a Business phone number to a Business Fax), select the new description from the respective drop-down.

  4. To edit an existing phone, fax or mobile number, overtype the existing number in the Detail column.
  5. To edit an email or website address:
    1. Select a different Description that is not an email or website type from the drop-down.

    2. Edit the address.
    3. Re-select the original description.
  6. Repeat the above steps for any other changes.

  7. Click OK.To save the entered information and close the tab.

To delete phone and other details for a client, contact or (AE) supplier
  1. Find and open the client, contact or (AE) supplier.

  2. Click the Addresses tab.The existing address information for this client, contact or supplier is listed.

  3. Select the Phone and Other Details entry you want to delete. Ensure that the entire row is highlighted by clicking the grey box to the left of the selected row.

  4. Press [Delete]. The Confirm Delete Other Detail window opens.

  5. Click Yes if you want to permanently delete this information.

  6. Click No to cancel the deletion.
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