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Recording disbursements or practice disbursements

Expenses incurred while you perform work for a client may be claimed by recording them on a Disbursement Sheet. Employees either record a disbursement against the practice disbursement employee or their own disbursement. Practice disbursements are set up by your system administrator.

To record a disbursement
  1. Open a Disbursement Sheet or Practice Disbursement Sheet. See Entering disbursements for an employee or Opening a practice disbursement.

  2. Enter the Date when you incurred the expense. Enter the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select it from the drop-down calendar.

  3. Enter the Reference number. The reference number is limited to a maximum of 25 alphanumeric characters. (AO) Details in the Reference field are not visible on the Prebill or WIP Enquiry windows. This field can only be viewed by opening the Reports page and selecting Time > Disbursement from the TASKS bar.

  4. Select the client from the (AE) Client/Assignment or (AO) Client/Job column drop-down.
    (AE) The A/Code column is automatically filled.
    (AO) The Year column is automatically filled as you tab across the row.

  5. Select the appropriate Task from the drop-down.

  6. Enter the amounts in the Quantity and (AE) Unit / (AO) Cost columns. The Cost and Charge columns are automatically filled.
    (AE) The charge field is only automatically calculated if a charge rate has been set up for the Code Type. Otherwise, you will need to enter the charge rate.

  7. Enter supporting information about the disbursement in the Comments column.

  8. Click the ellipse button to open a Comment window and enter explanatory text if required.

  9. Click OK to close the Comment window.

  10. Press [Enter] until the cursor is in the blank line below the headings. This enables you to enter additional disbursements for another Client or Assignment (AE)/Job (AO).

  11. Repeat step 2 to 10 for other disbursements.

  12. Finalise the entries/batch.
    (AE) Click Submit 
     to submit the disbursement sheet or practice disbursement sheet for authorisation and posting. The Entry Status field changes to Submitted.
    (AE) Click OK to save and close the disbursement sheet or practice disbursement sheet.
    (AO) Click Save from the TASKS bar.
    (AO) Click the X or right-click the disbursement sheet tab and select Close to close the disbursement sheet or practice disbursement sheet.
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