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Selecting your document storage settings

Accountants Enterprise only

If you want to use Window Explorer with your documents and you do not have Document Manager installed, you must select the appropriate document storage settings.

When you create a new client, contact or supplier, the program will set a default documents folder for that client, contact or supplier based on a combination of your practice's Document Startup Path (MaintenanceDocuments > Mailing Settings) and Client\Contact Algorithm (Maintenance > Documents > Document Creation Settings).

Before you select the Windows Explorer view for documents make sure that you back up your database.

To use List view for your documents
  1. Select MaintenanceDocuments > Document Storage Settings on the main menu or MaintenanceMaintenance MapDocuments > Document Storage Settings. The Document storage settings window opens.

  2. Select the Create links to individual documents option.

  3. Click Close.

To select Windows view for your documents
  1. Back up your database.

  2. Select MaintenanceDocuments > Document Storage Settings on the main menu or MaintenanceMaintenance MapDocuments > Document Storage Settings. The Document storage settings window opens.

  3. Select the Specify a documents folder for each client option.

  4. Click Next. The Confirm your selection window opens.

  5. Read carefully through the Confirm your selection.

    1. A default documents directory will be set for each existing client, contact and supplier based on the Document Startup Path (which is configured using Maintenance > Documents > Mailing Settings) and the Client/Contact Algorithm (which is configured using Maintenance > Documents > Document Creation Settings) currently defined for your practice. You will be able to modify the default folder for each client, contact or supplier.

    2. The Documents tab will display a Windows Explorer style view of the selected documents folder for each client, contact or supplier.

    3. Shortcuts will be created under the default directory for any documents that are currently listed on the Documents tab but are not located within the default directory.

    4. All document descriptions will be lost.

    5. You will no longer be able to add documents to assignments.

      Some of the above changes are not reversible. Switching back to the List view will NOT restore the individual document links that previously existed. Instead, it will display a single folder link to the client/contact/supplier's documents folder.

  6. Select the Yes, I have backed up my database option.

  7. Click Finish. A progress bar is displayed with the setting documents folder is created.A message is displayed informing you that the new document storage settings have been applied.

  8. Click OK.

No security settings are employed to prevent team members from adding, editing and deleting documents in the Windows Explorer view. Your practice must set the appropriate security for the documents folder on the network.

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