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Setting up Job Type Templates

Accountants Office with Practice Manager only

Job Type Templates are used to control how time from timesheets is charged to a client. Each Client / Job is linked to an Job Type Template.

Use the Job Type templates page to:

  • Add and maintain the types job types.

  • Specify whether each type is chargeable or non-chargeable, external or inclusive of time/productive.

  • Set default master paragraph text that can be used when billing a client for a particular type of work.

There are two (2) types of non-chargeable jobs:

  1. Productive, eg. training, seminar, marketing
  2. Non-productive, eg. sick leave, annual leave, leave without pay.

    Non-chargeable job templates are added to the internal client NONCHG -Non Chargeable.

To set up the Job Type Template details
  1. From the menu bar, go to MaintenanceMaintenance MapJob type > Job Type Templates. The Maintenance Job Types page opens.
  2. In the first row, enter the name of the template in the Name As field. Press Tab.
  3. In the same row as Step 2, the code in the Code As field.
  4. Either:
    • Select the checkboxes for the job types to be chargeable, external and/or included time.
    • deselect the checkboxes for the job types to be non-chargeable, internal and/or excluded (non-productive) time.
  5. To set a default paragraph for the Job Type, click the Default Paragraph cell and then click the ellipse button. The Master Paragraphs window opens.
  6. Under Name, select the paragraph name from the list. The paragraph text displays in the Paragraph Text area.
  7. Click OK. The Master Paragraphs window closes and the selected paragraph is displayed in the Maintenance Job Types page.
  8. Click OK to save the template and close the page.
Job Type examples
Chargeable work

For chargeable work such as Financial Planning, all 3 columns would be ticked i.e. chargeable, external and included time.

Non-chargeable, productive time

For non-chargeable time such as Research, only 1 column would be ticked - Included Time. In employee productivity reports, this time will count as being non-chargeable, productive time.

Non-chargeable, non-productive time

For non-chargeable time such as any type of leave for example, Jury Duty, no columns are ticked. In employee productivity reports, this time will count as being non-chargeable, non-productive time which shows as lost time in Employee Productivity reports.

To add a non-chargeable job to the internal client

Perform the following steps in AO PM:

  1. Create the non-chargeable job type via Job Type Templates and click OK.

  2. In the toolbar, click Contacts. The Find Clients page opens.

  3. In the Search for field, search for the NONCHG client and open their record. The NONCHG client page opens.

  4. Click the Jobs tab. The client's Job tab appears.

  5. In the first row, click Click here to add new .... The Create Job for Client window appears.

  6. click the checkbox to select the Job Type. In this example tick Jury Duty and click Finish. The job is now created against the internal client.

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