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Updating milestones on job sheets

Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager only

There is a direct link between the following status options and the assignment schedule stage status options:

  • In progress

  • Complete

  • Problem

  • Risk.

When you update a linked milestone in the Job Sheet homepage, the linked schedule stage is updated on the assignment schedule. The reverse is also true (i.e., if you update a linked assignment schedule stage, the linked milestone on the homepage is also updated).

You can add task statuses to the Task Status window and use them to update the status of schedule stages on the Assignment Details page > Schedule tab.

While milestone statuses and assignment schedule stage statuses are only linked to the In progress, Complete, Problem and Risk status options, updating a linked schedule stage with a user-created task status clears the status of the milestone on the homepage.

When using Clear Status for a linked milestone on the homepage control, the status in the linked assignment schedule stage will be set to Not Started.

If you decide to change the description of the following task status options on the Task Status window — In progress, Complete, Problem, Risk — the homepage is updated with the new description. These changes are displayed in the homepage next time you start the application.

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