Viewing WIP summaries by assignment (AE) or client
Practice Manager only
Before raising a bill for a client you can review the status of their WIP. This can be done in several ways and from several places.
The easiest way is to:
Click the WIP enquiry option on the TASKS bar when you are on Jobs tab (AO)/Assignmentstab (AE) on a client page. The WIPEnquiry page opens.
This page displays the total balance and breakdown for the selected client or assignment/job.
You can group the WIP transactions and print the information as a report.
In MYOB AE, the WIP Enquiry page that opens from the Assignment Details page is identical to that opened from the Assignments tab on the client page. The first shows a single assignment breakdown of WIP, whereas the second shows all assignments for that client.
To view the WIP summary for a single assignment (AE)
Open the Assignment Details page for the assignment for which you want to view the WIP. See Finding and opening assignments.
Click WIP enquiry on the TASKS bar. The Assignment Enquiry window opens listing all the time and expense transactions as yet unbilled for the selected assignment.
Group the transactions. See Organising your data. The order of the transactions resets to reflect the grouping.
Click Print on the TASKS bar. The Print Assignment Enquiry window opens.
Enter a title in the Page HeaderCenter field or accept the default heading.
Click Options to make further print decisions.
Click Print to print or Preview to preview the information.