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Integrated Release install guide—6.51/8.35 SP3 (Australia)

Release date—April 2024

This is the last release for Series AE 6/8 tax and will no longer be supported from 15 June 2024. To get your 2024 tax update, you’ll need to migrate to the PM Plus integration.

To learn more about this migration, see

We also offer a paid service if you’d like us to do it for you. Email our customer success team for more information.

You’ll see a warning at the beginning of the installation. Click OK to continue and make sure you’ve migrated to PM Plus to get any future updates.


Series End of Life warning message

  1. You must have AE version 5.4.48 or later installed.

  2. Check that your computer meets the system requirements.

  3. Take both online and offline backups of your data. See Backing up your data.

  4. All workstations running Windows Help must have the appropriate version of WinHlp32.exe installed to view the help topics. See Windows Help Downloads.

  5. Ensure that Opportunistic Locking is disabled. See Opportunistic Locking Checks.

  6. Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only. See Data Execution Prevention Setting.

  7. A minimum of 1.5GB of free hard disk space on the drive you are installing to is required for full installation of the software and sample data. Allow extra storage space for the online data backups.

  8. For server and workstation installations: the software must be installed by a local administrator.

  9. For a single computer installation: the workstation must have the Microsoft Loopback Adapter installed as the MYOB Administration Centre expects to be running on a network. See Microsoft Loopback Adapter.

  10. To ensure that there are no system or program files marked as In Use or Read Only, follow these steps before you start the upgrade:

    1. Close all MYOB applications completely. Check that there aren’t any minimised windows on the computer.

      The installation requires the SR DAL process, so don't shut it down.

      Reboot your computer

    2. Ensure all Microsoft Office programs are closed and you open any office applications only after the database upgrade is complete.

    3. Close all other applications, turn off any virus protection / anti-malware software and screen savers on the computer.

Installing on a standalone PC

To install on a standalone PC
  1. Download the latest release from my.MYOB:

    • For Series 8, download the MYOB_AE_Tax_8.35_SP3_AU_Update file.

    • For Series 6, download the MYOB_AE_Tax_6.51_SP3_AU_Update file.

  2. Log in as an administrator.

  3. Browse to the location where you saved the download.

  4. Double-click the downloaded file.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Unzip to extract the installation files to a temporary directory.

     You may specify a location using Browse before clicking Unzip.

  7. Click Finish. The setup window displays.

  8. The Installation menu will open automatically. Otherwise, to open the Installation menu, browse to the extracted installation files and double-click the readme.exe.

  9. Click Next in the Welcome window.

  10. Click Next in the Choose Target Directory.

    We recommend that you don’t change the default directory. If you change it to a mapped drive, you may get the following error during the install.

    If you decide to change the directory, ensure you don’t enter any spaces in the path.

  11. Click Next. The following warning message displays: You must be at the server where the AE Tax SQL database is located.

  12. Click OK. On the Start Copying Files window confirm the summary of the current settings.

  13. Click Next and the setup progress displays.

  14. When the setup files are successfully upgraded, your computer may need to be restarted. The Setup Complete window automatically appears.

  15. Click Finish.

    If you’re using a proxy server you don’t need to change the ClientFrameWork.exe.config file in the server Deploy folder see Proxy Server Information.

Installing on a server/terminal server

To install MYOB Accountants Enterprise
  1. Download the latest release from my.MYOB:

    • For Series 8, download the MYOB AE Tax 8.35_SP3 - Full Install file.

    • For Series 6, download the MYOB AE Tax 6.51_SP3 - Full Install file.

  2. Run the Profiles Database Server Utility (only if the AE SQL and Contacts databases are on different servers).

  3. Run the installer.

  4. Set up additional applications, if applicable.

  5. Set up the workstations.

Profiles database server installation

Perform this step only if your AE Tax SQL and Contacts databases are on different servers. Skip this step if they are on the same server.

Run the Profiles Database Server Installation from the server console where the Contacts database is installed.

To install from the web download:

  1. Browse to the location where you stored the download.

  2. Double-click the download file.

  3. Click OK on the dialogue box.

  4. Click Unzip to extract the installation files to a temporary directory.

    You may specify a location using Browse before clicking Unzip.

    The Installation menu opens.

  5. Click Browse.

  6. Browse to and double-click ProfilesDBServerSetup.exe. The Welcome window appears.

  7. Click Next and the Licence Agreement window appears.

  8. Click Yes to accept the terms of the Licence Agreement. The Destination Directory window appears.
    The Destination Folder will default to C:\Program Files\MYOB\AdminCentre. We recommend that you accept the default.

  9. Click Next and the Ready to Install window appears. Verify the installation path is correct.

  10. Click Next to start the installation. While the installation is running, a message appears to confirm it is in progress. The Installation Complete window appears when install is successful.

  11. Click Finish to close the installation wizard.

Install MYOB AE Tax Series 6 or 8

For a terminal server, run the installation using Add or Remove Programs on the terminal server console.

For a server, run the installation from the server console

  1. Log in as an administrator.

  2. Browse to the location where you saved the download.

  3. Double-click the downloaded executable file.

  4. Click OK on the dialogue box.

  5. Click Unzip to extract the installation files to a temporary directory.

     You may specify a location using Browse before clicking Unzip.

  6. The Installation menu will open automatically. Otherwise, to open the Installation menu, browse to the extracted installation files and double-click the readme.exe.

  7. If you are installing AE Tax:

    • To a terminal server: go to the next step.

    • Otherwise, on the Installation page, click the install button and go to Step 10.

  8. Click Browse.

  9. Open the Control Panel:

    For a Windows 2012 terminal server:

    1. Click Install Application on Remote Desktop Server Wizard. The Install Program wizard opens.

    2. Click Next and the Run Installation Program window opens.

    3. Browse to the Setup.exe file, then click Open.

  10. Click Next in the Welcome window.

  11. Click Next in the Choose Target Directory.

    We recommend that you don’t change the default directory. If you change it to a mapped drive, you may get the following error during the install.

    If you decide to change the directory, ensure you don’t enter any spaces in the path.

  12. Click Next. The following warning message displays: You must be at the server where the AE Tax SQL database is located.

  13. Click OK. On the Start Copying Files window confirm the summary of the current settings.

  14. Click Next and the setup progress displays.

  15. When the setup files are successfully upgraded, your computer may need to be restarted. The Setup Complete window automatically appears.

  16. Click Finish.

    If you’re using a proxy server you don’t need to change the ClientFrameWork.exe.config file in the server Deploy folder see Proxy Server Information.

Set up additional application servers

Perform this step only if you have a second application server. If you have only one application server, go to Set up workstations below.

Run the Application installation from the console on the additional server that hosts the application.

  1. On the server open the Run command window and click Browse… .Navigate to the setup.exe file.

  2. Click Open. The path to setup.exe is added to the Run window.

  3. Enter /z”RemoteSQL:servername\instancename” at the end of the path, ensuring that there is a space between the path and /z.
    For example; /z”RemoteSQL:SERV01\MYOBAE”

  4. Click Run.

  5. On the server open the Control Panel and select Programs and Features.

  6. On the navigation panel click Install a program from the network, and browse to the Setup.exe file.

  7. Click Open. The path to the setup.exe is added to the Run window.

  8. Enter /z”RemoteSQL:servername\instancename” at the end of the path, ensuring that there is a space between the path and /z.
    For example; /z”RemoteSQL:SERV01\MYOBAE”.

  9. Click Finish. The Welcome window appears with the  Licence Agreement.

  10. Click Yes if you accept the terms and the Pre–Installation Checklist appears. You must tick all these conditions to confirm they are met before proceeding.

  11. Click Next. The Choose Target Directory window appears.

    We recommend that you don’t change the default directory. If you change it to a mapped drive, you may get an error.

    If you decide to change the directly, ensure you don’t enter any spaces in the path.

  12. Click Next and on the Warning confirm the SQL Database location is correct.

  13. Click OK and the Start Copying Files window appears. Confirm the summary of the current settings is correct.

  14. Click Next and the Progress window tracks what percentage of files have been installed.
    The Choose Database window appears. At this window:

    • Click Cancel to end the installation. If this button is active it means all the databases listed are integrated with AE Tax and are updated in the initial installation.

    • Click Finish to end the installation. Any databases that are historical databases will be updated now.

    • Select the databases from the list to be updated.

  • Click Next. The Setup Complete window appears advising that the upgrade has been successful.

If you have more application servers

Additional application installations follow the same procedure as described above. The difference being you must perform them from the relevant server for your environment, for example, the server 2 console.

Copy configuration files

The three configuration files must be copied from the sol64 directory where first installation was performed to the sol64 directory where each additional installation was performed:

  • sol64\DS6OP010

  • sol64\s6\SYSSERV.ID

  • sol64\TA\{databasenumber}\profile.ini

Location to copy files from

On the first installation server:

  1. Open Contacts and click HelpAbout MYOB Contacts > Application Details.

  2. Take note of the Database Location. For example, Q:\data\myob.

  3. Open Windows Explorer, navigate to this location and open the file ae_tax.ini.

  4. Take note of the lines for AeTaxLedgerLocation= and SystemReleasePath=.
    For example, AeTaxLedgerLocation=AETAX2 and SystemReleasePath=S:\sol64\. The sol64 source directory is then S:\sol64\ and the profile.ini file within this is sourced from S:\sol64\TA\AETAX2.

Location to copy files to

On each additional installation server:

  1. Open Contacts and click HelpAbout MYOB Contacts > Application Details.

  2. Take note of the System Release path.
    For example, S:\apps\sol64. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to this path. You may need to create the subfolder for the database if it does not exist. For example; \sol64\TA\AETAX2.

Set up workstations

Complete this step only if you have installed AE Tax on a server.

Turn off virus protection software, anti-malware and screen savers.

  1. Ensure all applications are closed. Open Windows Explorer and browse to the program directory via a mapped drive. For example, S:\MYOB.

  2. Browse to the Setup folder and double–click setup.exe. The Welcome window appears.

  3. Click Next and the Start Copying window appears. The progress bar reflects what percentage of files have been installed.

  4. Click Next and the progress bar appears.
    For a new workstation that does not have MS Access 2010 installed, MS Access Runtime 2010 and SP2 for MS Access 2010 will be installed. When the setup files have been successfully upgraded, your computer may need to be restarted to update your system settings.
    The Setup Complete window appears.

  5. Click Finish. MYOB AE can now be accessed from the workstations.

Turn on virus protection software, anti-malware, and screensavers.


Check version numbers—Contacts
  1. Click ContactsHelp > About MYOB Contacts.

  • For AE Tax Series 8, the version number should be 8.35 SP3.

  • For AE Tax Series 6, the version number should be 6.51 SP3.

  • Both AE Tax Series 8 and Series 6 version numbers are followed by a section in brackets listing the service packs installed. This section will include AE Tax.

  • Open and close each of your installed modules to ensure each can be accessed.

  • Open a 2023 tax return and click Help > About. The version should read 2023.3.

  • Open a 2022 tax return and click Help > About. The version should read 2022.7.

  • Close Contacts.

Check version numbers—Practice Manager compliance
  1. Click Compliance ManagementHelp > About MYOB Compliance Management.

    • For AE Tax Series 8, the version number should be 8.35 SP3.

    • For AE Tax Series 6, the version number should be 6.51 SP3.

    • Both AE Tax Series 8 and Series 6 version numbers are followed by a section in brackets listing the service packs installed. This section will include AETax

  2. Open and close each of your installed modules to ensure each can be accessed.

  3. Open a 2022 tax return and click Help > About. The version should read 2023.3

  4. Open a 2021 tax return and click Help > About. The version should read 2022.7

  5. Open Practice Manager and click Help About.

  6. Click Plugins. The Tax version should read

  7. Close Compliance Management.

Back up your database

To take an online backup of your database:

  1. Open MYOB Accountants Enterprise and click DataSafe.

  2. In DataSafe Utilities window select Backup Now. The Database Backup window appears.

  3. Select Special — keep until manually deleted and label it Post MYOB Accountants Enterprise release 8.35 SP3 or 6.51 SP3.

  4. Click OK.

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