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Migrating from Series 6/8 to PM Plus

This page will show you the steps that are required to move from series 6/8 integration to PM Plus.

Before you begin

  • Your AE version is 5.4.47 and series version is 8.35/6.51 (tax version 2023.1) or later.

  • Access your SQL server to run this installation.

  • Disable any anti-virus software.

  • Ensure that all the users are out of Accoutants Enterprise and no one is logging in during the installation process.

  • PM Plus migration doesn't support tax returns with 1-many relationships (i,e, one client code attached to returns with multiple return codes). See the Troubleshooting section below to fix any returns for the migration to continue.

  • Consulting Services are available to do this upgrade for you.  Email for more information.

  • If your Corporate Compliance Integration is still to Profiles, either an upgrade to AE Integration is required OR this will break the integration. 

Download the required files from my.myob
  1. On your SQL server, log in to my.myob.

  2. Go to My Products > Downloads and select MYOB AE Tax Series 6/8.

  3. Download the PMPlusmigration file.

  4. Download the MYOB AE 2023.3 ( - Install file.

1. Backup of your data

Take a backup of your data using Datasafe and from Accountants Enterprise.

2. Run the PMPlusmigration file

Copy and run the PMPlusmigration file to the C:\MYOB on your server, otherwise you’ll get a backup error.

  1. Extract the to C:\MYOB folder.

  2. Go to the folder and double-click PMPlusMigration.exe.

  3. The utility will run through a series of precheck steps and you'll see Checking for pre-requisites for migrating to PMplus window. The size of your database affects how long this takes.

  4. Your pre-check can fail or be successful.

  5. If the pre-check has failed, you'll see a message like the following.

    1. If the pre-check has failed due to 1-many relationships found in your database, you'll be able to fix it yourself. See the Troubleshooting section below for how to fix it.

    2. If the pre-check has failed for another reason, contact Support for more help. 

  6. If the pre-check is successful, you'll see the following window:

    1. Click OK and follow the steps below to continue with the migration:

      1. Go to the PMPlusMigration folder, right-click the Changetomigrationmode file, and select Run with Powershell. You'll see a blue window flash on the screen.

      2. Double-click PMPlusMigration.exe again. This will run through a series of steps for the migration. Depending on the size of your database, this might take some time.

      3. If the migration is successful, you'll see the following window. Click OK.

3. Install the 2023.3 PM Plus update
  1. After running the self-service utility, you'll need to run the tax install so the move to PM Plus is complete.

  2. Run the AE 2023.3 or later PM Plus update. This is the same process as installing your usual tax updates. See AE Install guide after migrating to PM Plus.

4. Configure the mappings in MYOB AE

After successfully installing the update, you'll need to configure the mappings between the data fields from MYOB AE to Tax.

These mappings are done so the data entered in AE is transferred to the tax return directly. This allows you to more easily maintain the details in one location (in AE) and reduces the data entry in a tax return.

Follow the steps in Using the Key Client Attributes Mapping and Data Update wizard to configure the mapping in AE.

5. Confirm you're on PM Plus integration

There are a few checks you can do to confirm if the PM Plus integration is working correctly

  • Create a client in AE and add a tax return for that client.

  • Edit any of the details in the AE (such as names, and addresses) and confirm that the change shows in the tax return.

  • Log in to MYOB AE and go to Help > About. Confirm that the version shows 5.4.50 Plus

Some steps we do automatically after the migration

After migrating to PM Plus, we will update the client type based on the type of the tax return.

  • A person will be updated to an Individual.

  • An organisation will be updated to Company, Trust, Partnership, SMSF, or Fund based on the tax return type.

  • If there are no tax returns attached to the client, we’ll update the type based on the client’s name. We recommend you check these clients to make sure they are the correct type.

  • To find clients who don’t have a type, filter the clients by Other Organisation.

Steps to follow if you still need to use Accounts

If you still want to use Accounts after moving to PM Plus, follow the steps below

Step 1: Create a Contacts batch file

  1. Open Windows Explorer (simultaneously press the Windows and E keys on your keyboard).

  2. Browse to the drive where the MYOB Bin folder is located.

  3. Right-click in the drive and from the New menu select Text Document. A New Text Document.txt appears.

  4. Change the name of the New Text Document.txt to Contacts.bat and press ENTER.

  5. Right-click the Contacts.bat and select Edit.

  6. Copy the following script and paste it into the Contacts.cmd file (replace S: with the actual drive letter where the MYOB folder is located).
    taskkill /IM contacts.exe /F
    :Launch Contacts
    start "Contacts" "S:\MYOB\bin\contacts.exe" /start

  7. Save the file.

Step 2: Link the file in MYOB AE

  1. In MYOB AE, go to the menu: Maintenance > User Defined > Applications.

  2. In the Maintenance > Application tab,

    1. Enter Contacts in the Name field.

    2. In the Command line field, click the ellipses to open the Command line algorithm window.

    3. In the Command line algorithm window, click the ellipses in the Command line field and browse the location of the Contacts.bat file.

    4. Click OK.

    5. Log out and log in to AE for the changes to take effect.

    6. Click the Contacts shortcut on the left side Tasks bar to create new clients and access your Accounts.




1-many relationships found on your Tax database. Migration to PM Plus is not supported. Please contact MYOB support for further assistance.

Take note of the client groups with one-to-many relationships.

Follow the steps below to fix and re-run the utility.

A one-to-many relationship is when one client code is linked with multiple tax returns with different return codes.

To fix this, you'll need to log in to System Release and either

  • Delete additional return(s) via System Release if the return is not required

  • Create new client(s) in AE for the additional returns, then change the client code for these returns in the Return Properties using System Release.

For any other errors

Contact support.

Next steps

  • Workflow changes
    There are a few workflow changes in AE that you need to know. See our MYOB Academy course.

  • Future updates
    When you log in to my.myob for any future updates, you'll no longer see AE Series 6/8 in your Product, but you'll see AE Tax. There is only one file to download that will update Tax, Client Accounting, Document Manager, and Practice Manager.

Need help?

Contact support.

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