Accountants Enterprise in Australia only
Report Designer must be open at the level at which you want to enter data.
To open the Report Designer at the Practice level (for MAS users)
Open the ledger for a client. This client’s information will be used when you preview and print the reports.
Select Reports > Reporter > Design Practice reports.
To open the Report Designer at the Practice level (for Accounts users)
Open the Configuration window, Start > Programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > Configuration.
Select Configure > Accounts > Report Designer.
Select the entity that you want to design the reports for.
Click Next.
To enter data that just applies to the selected client from your General Ledger software
Select Reports > Reporter > Design Client reports.
You can also add data from your General Ledger main menu by selecting Reports > Reporter > Enter non–transactional data or from the Generate Reports main window by selecting the Non–transactional data button.
To add data to a table within Report Designer (on the Database Map tab)
In the Explorer pane of the Database Map tab, select the table to which you want to add data.
Double-click the table.
Select Edit from the right–click menu or toolbar.
The Database Map Editor window opens.
Click the Table Data button at the bottom of the window. The window will change to display the Data View.
In the Value column for the fields, enter or select the value(s) to be applied to that field. For tables that can contain multiple records, click the Add button in the Record Selection area at the top of the window to add each new record.
What you can enter into the Value column will depend on the type defined for each field. For example, if the field is set to Date, you will only be able to enter a value that fits the date format.
Click Apply to save your changes.