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Chart Map account ranges

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

Account ranges are added to folders within the Chart Map tree. A folder can contain multiple account ranges.

You can edit account ranges in the Chart Map Editor window. From the Chart Map Editor window, you can add new account ranges to those already included, delete ranges previously added, or change the mapping information for a range.

You can delete an account range either directly from the Chart Map tree in the Explorer pane or using the Chart Map Editor window.

To add a new account range to a Chart Map folder
  1. From the Chart Map tree in the Explorer pane select the Chart Map folder you want to add an account range to and click the New Chart Map Item toolbar button
    . or Select New from the right–click menu. The Chart Map Editor window opens.
  2. In the Item Type field select the Account ranges radio button. The Folder Name field will display the parent folder selected in the Explorer pane. If required, you can change the parent folder by selecting another one from the list box.

  3. Click the Add New Account Range button

    The cursor will be placed in the Start field ready for you to enter the account range.

  4. Enter the starting account range into the Start fields.

  5. Enter the last account of the required range into the End fields.

  6. Select or deselect one or both of the following checkboxes as required:

    Include Creditsincludes only credit amounts from the client ledger
    Include Debitsincludes only debit amounts from the client ledger

  7. Enter the increment value(s) into the Account Code Stepping fields if stepping is required.

  8. There are 2 options for stepping within a range so that you can control which accounts and sub-accounts are included in a range. If you do not require all the account codes within the selected account range, you can apply stepping to only include the account codes which fit the stepping pattern you define here. For example, only every second account.

    Main code incrementUsed to exclude accounts that are not required in the range. For example, if the start range is 100 and the end range is 200, then a main code increment of 2 would result in only the even numbered accounts between 100 and 200 being included in the account range.
    Sub Code increment

    Used to increment the sub-code portion of the account range while retaining the control account range. When stepping has been applied to a range, the stepping used is displayed in square brackets to the right of the range in the Range pane, e.g., 600 - 650 [4/1] would indicate a Main Code Increment of 4 and a Sub Code Increment of 1.

  9. Click Apply to save your changes and add the new account range to the parent folder.

You can continue to add more ranges to the same folder if required. To add a range to another folder simply select the folder in the Parent Folder list box and repeat the above steps. Otherwise click Close to close the Chart Map Editor window.

If you create an account range that is the same as another account range in the same parent folder at the same level, an error tag,

will be displayed next to the Account Code Range field. You will need to change the account range.

To edit an account range in a Chart Map folder
  1. From the Chart Map tree in the Explorer pane select the account range you want to edit. You may need to click the Expand (+) icon next to the relevant Chart Map folders to expand the portion of the Chart Map tree that contains the account range you want to edit.

  2. Click the Edit Chart Map Item toolbar button

    or alternatively, you can select Edit from the right–click menu. The Chart Map Editor window opens with the account range displayed and the parent folder selected.

  3. Edit the start and end values for the account range.

  4. Select or deselect the Include Credits and Include Debits checkboxes, as required.

  5. Select the stepping as required.

  6. Click Apply to save your changes.

You can continue to edit ranges in the same folder or another folder. To edit a range in another folder, simply select the folder in the Parent Folder list box and repeat the above steps. Ensure that the Account Ranges radio button is selected after you have changed the selected parent folder. Otherwise, click Close to close the Chart Map Editor window.

You cannot save changes to a Master account range. Any changes made will be saved as a new Client or Practice account range. The Master will continue to display in the chart map, along with the new range.
If you create an account range that is the same as another account range in the same parent folder at the same level, an error tag,

 will be displayed next to the Account Code Range field. You will need to change the account range.

To delete an account range in a Chart Map folder
  1. In the Chart Map tree, select the account range or the parent folder of the account range that you want to delete.

  2. Double–click the item to open the Chart Map Editor window or click the Edit Chart Map Item toolbar button

    . or Select Edit on the right–click menu. The Chart Map Editor window opens.

  3. In the Account Ranges area of the window, select the actual range you want to delete.

  4. Click the Delete button

    . A confirmation message appears.

  5. Click Yes to confirm the deletion. The account range is removed from the parent folder.

You cannot delete Master level account code mappings.

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