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Chart Map shortcuts

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

A shortcut is a Chart Map item that is used within a Chart Map Folder to reference the account ranges specified under another Chart Map Folder (and any account ranges in any folders under that). For example, the Chart Map Folder ‘Sales’ is referred to in the ‘OperatingProfit’ Chart Map Folder. In this way, account ranges only need to be added to the Chart Map once. If the accounts assigned to ‘Sales’ are modified, this modification is reflected in the reference to ‘Sales’ in the ‘OperatingProfit’ folder. This reduces the amount of editing required when the Chart Map is modified, as changes need only be made to the folder that is referenced by the shortcuts. If you attempt to edit or delete an account range under a folder which is referenced by a shortcut, you will be prompted to confirm your change. For any further referencing required, a shortcut can be used, reducing the duplication of effort and maintaining consistency of data.

The same hierarchy rules apply to shortcut icons as other icons. As Master shortcuts are changed, they are saved at the Practice or Master level, depending on the level at which you opened the Report Designer window.

You can add new shortcuts to Master, Practice or Client level folders. The shortcut will be added to the selected parent folder at the level at which you opened Report Designer (Practice or Client). If you select a higher level folder that the level you opened Report Designer at, the parent folder icon will change to show it contains lower level items within it. For example, a Master level folder with a Client level shortcut will have the icon


You can edit shortcuts if you want to change where the shortcut within a folder is pointing to.

To create a new shortcut
  1. From the Chart Map tree in the Explorer pane select the Chart Map folder you want to add a shortcut to and click the New Chart Map Item toolbar button new or Select New from the right–click menu. The Chart Map Editor window opens.

  2. In the Item Type field, select the Shortcuts radio button. The Folder Name list box will change to display the location and name of the selected parent folder for the shortcut. The Shortcuts field will list any shortcuts already contained within the selected parent folder.

  3. If required you can change the selected parent folder by selecting another folder from the list box.

  4. From the blank list box in the Shortcuts field, select the path to the folder you want the new shortcut to point to or You can drag the required folder from the Explorer pane to theShortcuts field.

  5. Click Apply. The new shortcut will be added to the parent folder in the Chart Map tree.

    If you create a shortcut that is the same as another shortcut in the same parent folder at the same level, an error tag,

     will be displayed. You will need to change the shortcut before the Apply button is enabled.
    In addition to the above method you can also drag and drop shortcuts within the Chart Map tree. When you drag an item to another location within the Chart Map tree a pop-up menu will be displayed from where you can select whether to move the item (only available if the dragged item can be edited at the current level), create a copy of it or create a shortcut (if the dragged item is a folder).

To edit a shortcut
  1. From the Chart Map tree in the Explorer pane select the Chart Map parent folder or shortcut you want to edit and click the Edit Chart Map Item toolbar button


  2. Select Edit from the right–click menu. The Chart Map Editor window opens showing the parent folder for the selected shortcut in the Parent Folder list box and all the shortcuts it contains within the Shortcuts field. Alternatively, you can select the shortcut you want to edit within the Chart Map Editor window by selecting the parent folder in the Folder Name list box.

  3. In the Shortcuts field, select the shortcut whose path you want to change.

  4. From the list box, select the path to the folder you want the shortcut to point to.

  5. Click Apply to save your changes.

If you edit a shortcut to be the same as another shortcut in the same parent folder at the same level, an error tag,

 will be displayed. You will need to change the shortcut before the Apply button is enabled.

To delete a shortcut
  1. From the Chart Map tree in the Explorer pane select the shortcut you want to delete and click the Edit Chart Map Item toolbar button

    or Select Edit from the right–click menu. The Chart Map Editor window will be displayed showing the parent folder for the selected shortcut in the Parent Folder list box, and all the shortcuts it contains within the Shortcuts field. Alternatively, you can select the shortcut you want to delete within the Chart Map Editor window by selecting the parent folder in the Folder Name list box.

  2. Select the shortcut you want to delete in the Shortcuts field.

  3. Click the Delete button

    . A message will be displayed asking you to confirm your actions.

  4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion. The shortcut is removed from the parent folder in the Chart Map tree.

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