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Emailing reports

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

When you are previewing a report you have the option to email it as an attachment using your email application, such as Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes. You can select to attach the report as an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, a Microsoft Word document or a PDF.

When you click the Options button on the Email Report as an Attachment window, you have the options to secure the report with a password, compress the attachment using WinZip and to save the attachment.

To email a report from the Generating Reports window
  1. Within your General Ledger software, and with the required client ledger open, select Reports > Reporter > Generate reports. The Generating Reports window opens for the client with the default tab displayed.

  2. Select a report by clicking the adjacent checkbox in the Select column.

  3. Click Preview.

  4. Click

    . The Email Report as an Attachment window opens.

  5. For the Attachment Settings:

    1. Enter a File Name. You can also choose to keep the default name.

    2. Select a File Type from the drop-down list.

  6. Click the Options button and select the following options as required:

    1. Select the Password protect the attachment option to secure your report. Enter the password and re-type it to confirm.

    2. Select the Compress the Attachment option, to compress the email attachment using WinZip.

    3. Select the Save the attachment option to save the attachment. To change the default directory, click the ellipsis button.

  7. Click Email. An Untitled email message will open with the report attached.

  8. Enter or select the recipient's email address and if necessary type a message (as you normally would).

  9. Click Send.

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