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Errors in tables

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

Table shape does not match message

The Table shape does not match message is displayed when you try to move or paste a field from a multi record table to a single record table. It can also appear when you move or copy a field from a multi record table to another multi record table, where the number of records in the source table is greater than the number in the destination table.

For example, if the field in the source table ‘Directors’ has 5 directors names entered as data and you try to move this field to the table ‘CompanyDirectors’ that only has 3 records defined, then the Table shape does not match message will be displayed. In this situation, you can choose either:

  • Yes—select the Yes button to continue with moving or pasting the field. Associated data that can be moved s moved/copied to the destination folder. Associated data that does not fit in the destination table is lost. You can then go and redefine the lost values for the field.

  • No—if you want to keep all the data already entered for the field, select the No button. The field will not be moved/copied.

Multiple records found message

The Multiple Records Found message is displayed if you edit a table which has been defined as a multi record table and change it to a single record table. In other words, you deselect the Allow Multiple Records checkbox on the Database Map Editor window.

If you deselect the Allow Multiple Records checkbox for a multi record table where more than one record exists, then a warning message will be displayed.

If you select:

  • No—if you want to retain all the data records entered for the fields in the table, then select No to this message. You will be returned to the Database Map Editor window where the Allow Multiple Records checkbox will still be selected.

  • Yes—if you choose Yes, each field in the table will be converted to a single record field. All the fields in the table will be changed to only have one stored value. Only the value from the first record in the Design View of the Database Map Editor window will be retained for each field with multiple records. The other data records will be deleted.

Data type mismatch message

The Data type mismatch message is displayed when you try to change the type that was previously defined for a field in a table and the new type you select for the field is incompatible with the data that has already been entered for the field. For example, if a field in a table has been defined as a Yes/No field and data has been entered into the field so it has a value of yes or no, you cannot then change this field type to be a numeric or decimal field, as the yes or no values the field already contains will not be accepted in the field if it is a numeric or decimal field. In this case, the system will display the Data type mismatch message to tell you that the type you have selected for the field cannot retain the data already entered in the field. In this situation you can choose either:

  • Yes—select the Yes button to continue with the field type change. The data already entered for the field will be lost. You can then redefine the new values for the field.

  • No—If you want to keep the existing data in the field, select the No button. You will be returned to the Database Map Editor window and the field type will be as it was before you changed the selection in the Type list box.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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