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Making changes to the Chart Map

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

Report Designer provides you with a number of Master level Chart Map items (folders, shortcuts and account range mappings). You can customise these to suit your practice requirements or the requirements of an individual client. There are, however, a few things you should be aware of before you start to customise these items:

Adding or editing folders, shortcuts and ranges

  • If you add a new folder, shortcut or account range mapping to a Master Chart Map folder, the new mapping is saved at the Practice or Client level, while the Master Chart Map folder to which the new mapping was added remains a Master. In this situation the Master folder icon changes to indicate the presence of a non-master child component. For example:

    • If you change a folder within a Master level folder while working at the Practice level, the new mapping will be a Practice level item and the Master level folder icon will change to


    • If you change a folder within a Master level folder while working at the Client level, the new mapping will be a Client level item and the Master level folder icon will change to


    • If you change a folder within a Master level folder while working at the Practice level, then change it again at a later date while at the Client level, the Master level folder will contain both Practice and Client level child components and the Master level folder icon will change to

  • If you edit a Chart Map item that has lower level child components, e.g., you rename a Practice level folder which contains Client level items, the Client level child items will become ‘orphans’ and are lost.

    To avoid 'orphans', use the right–click menu in the Chart Map Explorer pane to copy the folder to be edited to the current level before the edits are applied at the higher level. In this way, the child components are retained in the lower level version of the folder. The copied folder will be saved at the Practice or Client level depending on the level at which you opened Report Designer.
  • If the accounts range mappings within a Chart Map folder need to be changed, the changes you make to the Chart Map will differ, depending on whether you want to reference additional accounts or reference fewer accounts than are currently contained in the folder in question.

Referencing additional accounts

  • If you want to reference additional accounts, you just need to add one or more account ranges to the folder (bearing in mind that any parent folders or Formats that reference that folder will also reference the additional accounts).
  • If you want to reference fewer accounts than are currently being referenced, you need to copy the entire folder to the level at which you are working (Practice or Client). You will then be able to edit or delete the account ranges at that level. Bear in mind that if you copy the folder to the Practice or Client level, it will not be updated with any updates that might be issued
  • If you want to reference accounts or account ranges in your reports that are not currently included in the Chart Map, you will need to either add the account or range to an existing folder or create a new folder and then add the account or accounts to that. You need to bear in mind that it is Chart Map folders, not individual account ranges that are referenced in Formats. Remember also that a Chart Map has several layers and that if you add a range to a folder, the folders above will then also include the range you have added.
  • When you edit a Chart Map item and it is saved to a lower level (Practice or Client level) with its original name, the Master item no longer displays in the Chart Map tab. It is replaced by the Practice or Client version. The Master version remains in the background and is reinstated if the Client and/or Practice versions are deleted or renamed. The Master item will display when Report Designer is opened from client ledgers for which a Client version of the item has not been created.

If you modify a Chart Map item that is referenced by a Format, you will also need to modify the Format accordingly as there is no flow-through update to the Format when a Chart Map item is changed. For example, if you change the Chart Map folder ‘Sales’ to ‘Income’, any references within Formats to the Chart Map folder ‘Sales’ will not automatically be changed to ‘Income’, and will therefore fail.

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