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Reviewing the retain value settings

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

The Retain Value setting controls whether a data value is rolled forward from the Database Map into the next year or not. Logically, when Masters are created the Retain Value checkbox is only checked if it makes sense to retain the value.

By default, when customised fields are added to tables at either the practice or client level the Retain Value field is checked, although your designer may have unchecked it if the value is not to be rolled forward. To be sure, you will need to review the Retain Value field for each customised practice or client level field prior to rolling forward.

To review the Retain Value Settings
  1. From within your client ledger, either:

  2. For the Practice Level, click ReportsReporter > Design Practice Level Reports.


    For the Client Level, click ReportsReporter > Design Client Level Reports.
    The Report Designer opens.

  3. Click the Database Map tab.
  4. Double click the table that you want to view. The Database Map Editor appears on the right-hand side.
  5. Select the Retain Value checkbox. You can also deselect the checkbox.

  6. Click Apply.

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