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Viewing account details from a previewed format or report

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

When you preview a Format or report in the Report Designer window you can drill down on a value obtained from a Chart Map reference. To view a list of the accounts from which the displayed total was obtained, simply move the cursor over the value you want to drill down on. The cursor changes to a pointing hand.

When you click on a value the Drill Down window opens containing the following fields:




Displays the account balance.

Balance Type

Specify the balance type of the general ledger values that you want to be displayed in the selected cell(s) or column. The default balance type is Actuals.

Balance Type is set for a cell range on the Balances tab of the Format Cells window. The balance types available are:


  • actuals

  • receipts

  • payments

  • cash

  • bal2

  • budget (current)

  • budget-bal2 (current)

  • budget (projected)

  • budget-bal2 (projected).

AE Accounts

  • actuals

  • opening balance

  • closing balance

  • cash

  • receipts

  • payments

  • non-cash movements

  • quantity

  • opening balance (quantity)

  • closing balance (quantity)

  • budget year to date

  • budget period.


Displays the account code for the account.


Displays the account description, sourced from the application from which Reporter was opened.


Indicates whether a balance is for the current or previous period.

Click Close to exit the Drill Down window and return to the Format or Report preview.

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