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Duplicating an Assets ledger in MYOB Accountants Enterprise

This support note applies to:

  • AE Assets (AU)
Article ID: 28867

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Assets, you can duplicate a ledger to have an exact copy of the existing data in the new ledger. 

To duplicate an AST ledger:

  • For Contacts, identify the unique number of the original ledger that is being duplicated; 
  • For System Release, identify the client code of the original ledger that is being duplicated; and

follow the ledger duplication wizard.

If you wish to duplicate an AST file in an application different from the source AST data file, follow the steps for the application you are using and simply select the required source file. 
For example:

  • If you are using System Release and duplicating from an AE Accounts/Contacts AST file, follow the System Release instructions and select the relevant file at step 10.
  • If you are using AE Accounts/Contacts and duplicating from an AE MAS/AST file, follow the AE Accounts/Contacts instructions and select the relevant file at step 5.
To duplicate an Assets ledger in System Release
If you require the new Assets ledger to be integrated to a Management Accounting System (MAS) ledger, you need to create the MAS ledger first and create the AST ledger with the same client code as the MAS ledger.
  1. Open System Release and click New. The message "Select New Object to create" appears.
  2. Click Item. The New item properties screen appears with the cursor in the Client field.
  3. Type the client code of the new AST ledger and press TAB. The cursor appears in the Type field.

    Type the client code in upper case.
  4. Type AST and press TAB. The cursor appears in the Name field.
  5. Click the Ellipses button next to the Location field. The Select Folder screen appears.
  6. Highlight the folder that you want the new ledger to appear in and click Select. The New item properties screen appears with the folder in the Location field.
  7. Click OK. The Ledger Creation Wizard - Ledger Setup screen appears.
  8. Select Duplicate an existing ledger. The Ledger Creation Wizard - Select Ledger screen appears.
  9. Click the Ellipses button. The Ledger Creation Wizard - Select Assets Ledger screen appears.
  10. Highlight the ast file you wish to duplicate and click OK. The file path appears in the Select Ledger field.

    You can also duplicate a ledger from a directory other than where the existing MAS/AST data resides and from a file where MAS/AST was not used to create the file. 
  11. Click Next. The Ledger Creation Wizard - Confirm Selected Ledger screen appears.
  12. Click Next and follow the Ledger Creation Wizard till the end and then click Finish. The Assets ledger is duplicated.
To duplicate an Assets ledger in Accounts/Contacts

Before you begin, you'll need to know the file name of the Accounts and Assets ledger. Identifying the file name/s for an Accounts ledger will guide you through locating this information.

  1. Open the MYOB AE Accounts ledger follow the menu path: File > Open > Assets. The Accounts - Asset Creation Wizard screen appears.
  2. Select AE Assets and click Finish. The Ledger Creation Wizard - Ledger Setup screen appears.
  3. Select Duplicate an existing ledger. The Ledger Creation Wizard - Select Ledger screen appears.
  4. Click the Ellipses button. The Ledger Creation Wizard - Select Assets Ledger screen appears.
  5. Highlight the ast file you want to duplicate and click OK. The file path appears in the Select Ledger field.

    You can also duplicate a ledger from a directory other than where the existing Accounts/AST data resides or from a file where Accounts/AST was not used to create the file.
  6. Click Next. The Ledger Creation Wizard - Confirm Selected Ledger screen appears.
  7. Click Next and follow the Ledger Creation Wizard till the end and then click Finish. Assets ledger is duplicated.

    If you receive the error "The specified ledger is not a valid assets ledger. Please select or type a valid assets ledger", see Error: "The specified ledger is not a valid assets ledger. Please select or type a valid assets ledger" to resolve the error.

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