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Error: "1314 specified path local host unavailable"

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 37038

When performing an MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Practice Manager workstation install, you may receive the message "Error 1314 specified path local host unavailable".

This error occurs due to the three (3) .txt files in the Client folder have not been updated during the AE PM server installation to include the name of the server and still holds the value 'localhost'.  

The workstation install is trying to validate the application folder/files (Central\Clientframework.exe) locally.

If you cannot find the setup files referenced in the KB, you may be using the combined installer for MYOB Accountants Enterprise. If this is the case, please refer to Running a combined workstation installation or uninstallation for Accountants Enterprise 

To resolve this error edit the contents of the 3 .txt files located in C:\Program Files\MYOB\Central\Client\Program Files\MYOB\Central on the server, to include the correct server name as per the examples below:

Caspol.txt file://<servername>/central/*

Central.txt \\<servername>\central\

Registry.txt \\<servername>\central\

Where <servername> is replaced with the actual server name.

Once the server name has been amended, uninstall the AE Practice Manager workstation and re-install.  For details refer to Installing and Uninstalling Accountants Enterprise (AE) on a workstation
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