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Error 1917: "Error removing ODBC driver SQL Server, ODBC error 6: Component not found in the registry"

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 35436

When installing MYOB Accountants Enterprise (MYOB AE) on a workstation, 'Error 1917. Error removing ODBC driver SQL Server, ODBC error 6: Component not found in the registry. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to remove ODBC drivers'.

To resolve this, log in as the Domain Administrator on the workstation, un-install and re-install the AE workstation.

For more information see: Running a combined workstation installation or uninstallation for Accountants Enterprise (AE) or Installing and Uninstalling Accountants Enterprise (AE) on a workstation (Series 6 & 8)


S/R 12743168408 

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