MAS ledgers list is blank when configuring a data source
This support note applies to:
- AE Statutory Reporter (AU)
- AE Statutory Reporter (NZ)
- MAS (AU)
- MAS (NZ)
When configuring a MAS ledger or performing an opening review in Client Accounting, the list of MAS ledgers may appear blank with the error "MAS application not found" and/or "Could not display ledger list. Unable to load MAS. Failed to locate necessary files".
This ocurrs when the workstation cannot read the location for your list of MAS ledgers.
Run through the following steps to resolve these issues.
If the workstation setup does not rectify the error, check the following registry items:
Ensure the location is correct for the Sol64 folder.
- If the path is incorrect, edit the registry item to be the correct location for Sol64.
- If the items are not there in the registry perform a System Release workstation setup for that workstation. For more information refer Installing System Release on a workstation
If the problem still exists rebuild the DS6OP010 file as follows:
1. Run the command X:\Sol64\SR EPEXPORT
2. Rename the existing DS6OP010 to DSOP010.cpt
3. Copy the X:\Sol64\S6\DZZOP010 into the X:\Sol64\ folder.
4. Rename the X:\Sol64\DZZOP010 to DS6OP010
5. Run the command X:\Sol64\SR EPIMPORT and select to continue.