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Restoring a single AE/AO Tax ledger

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 38318

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) and Accountants Office (AO) Tax, you may be instructed by another Knowledge Base article or by MYOB Support to restore a single MYOB AE/AO Tax ledger.  This is usually when a corruption has occurred in a particular tax ledger.

This Knowledge Base article details the steps on how to restore your AE/AO Tax ledger.

To perform the instructions in this article, you will need to know where System Release is run from. Refer to Identifying the location of System Release for information on how to identify this location.

Before you begin this process, ensure all users have exited completely out of MYOB AE/AO and remain exited during the following process.

The following instructions are based on an example where the 2015 Tax Year is corrupted. You can replace 2015 in the below instructions with the ledger name that you want to restore.

Step 1: To perform a current MYOB Backup

For details on this step refer to Backing up the MYOB AE or AO database . This backup will include the backup of the corrupted Tax 2015 Year.

Also, take a backup of the current year's tax ledger.

Step 2: Restore a working backup

In this step, you will need to restore a backup of MYOB AO which contains a working backup of the 2015 Tax Year. 

You may need to run this step multiple times in order to identify a backup where the 2015 Tax Year is not corrupted.  You may wish to trial a restore from a backup from the previous day, otherwise if this fails then continue to work through previous backups until you identify a backup without the corruption year. 

For details on how to restore MYOB AO, refer to Restoring my MYOB AE or AO data

Step 3 :Backup the working Tax 2015 ledger in System Release

The next step is to back up a working copy of the 2015 Tax Year in System Release.

For details on how to backup a ledger in System Release, refer to Performing a Backup in System Release 

 In the Knowledge Base article Performing a Backup in System Release, at Step 1 and 3 ensure that the 2015 Year is selected,  That is, a working copy of the corrupted year in question. 

Step 4 : Restore MYOB backup from Step 1

This step requires a restore of the MYOB AO backup taken from Step 1. That is, the backup file where the Tax 2015 Year is corrupted, but all other Tax years are in working order.

For information on how to restore this backup refer to Restoring my MYOB AE or AO data

The next step (step 5) will then detail how to restore the Tax 2015 corrupted year only.

Step 5: Restore System Release backup from Step 3 for the Tax 2015 ledger only

Restore a working backup of Tax 2015 Year only.

Perform the following steps in System Release:

  1. Navigate and select the Tax 2015 Year (that is, the corrupted year). The Tax 2015 Year is highlighted.

  2. Select File > Restore . The Ledger Restore Wizard appears.
  3. Click Next to continue.
  4. From the Backup location click to the drop-down arrow to select the backup location. The backup location is now displayed.
    Note: If this location is not correct, select Browse and manually locate the backup taken from Step 3.
  5. If the backup details are correct, click Next to continue.
  6. Click Finish. The restore is now complete.
  7. Also, restore the current year tax ledger backup from Step 1.
Step 6 : Re-configuring Lodgment Manager
  1. From the desktop of your server or standalone, follow the menu path: Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 20xx > SQL Server Management Studio
  2. Complete the fields as required and click Connect. The Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio screen appears.
  3. Open the C:\Program Files (x86)\MYOB\TaxCore folder. You’ll see two SQL queries, which you need to run.
  4. To run the first query:
    1. Double click tax install 01 – Tax_TaxYearTableType.sql. You will see the query displayed in SQL Management Studio.
    2. Make sure to select your Tax database name from the dropdown as marked in the picture and click the 

  5. To run the second query:
    1. Double click tax install 02 – Columns and Indexes.sql . You will see the query displayed in SQL Management Studio. You will see the query displayed in SQL Management Studio.
    2. Make sure to select your Tax database name from the dropdown as marked in the picture and click the
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