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Returns missing from Lodgment Manager homepage

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 38714

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) and MYOB Accountants Office (AO) Tax version 2016.4, you may experience lodged returns missing from the Lodgment Manager homepage.

This occurs where returns have been marked as lodged manually and appear in the lodgement history as a paper lodged form.

Checking if the return is marked as Paper

Perform the following instructions from within the desired return or form

  1. Click the Properties 
     icon. The Return Properties window opens displaying the General tab.
  2. Click the ellipses [...] button at the Return Lodged via field, highlight code E then click Select. The ELS preference changes to ELS.

    If the Return Lodged via field is greyed out and you are unable to select code E, you will need to Reset the lodgment history.

  3. Click OK. The changes in the Return Properties are saved.

If you experience this issue, contact us and quote KB 38714.

MYOB Internal Notes:

This error occurs where returns have a lowercase L for 'Lodged' in the State column of the dbo.TAX_DZZTB011 table.

To resolve this issue change the lowercase L to uppercase.
Insert PR# 145547997251

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.