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Speed issues in Tax after upgrading to Practice Manager

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 34761

In Accountants Enterprise (AE) Practice Manager (AE PM) and AE Tax you may experience some slowness after upgrading to PM Plus integration.

Please find the file attached -, this utility performs a number of functions including reindexing the AE PM database.

This utility is suitable to run on any version of AE PM and any version of SQL.
Ensure all users are logged out of all MYOB AE products and make sure you have a backup of both AE PM and Tax databases.  

Before you begin, make sure to do a backup using one of the methods listed below:

How to run the file
  1. Unzip into a folder on C drive of the SQL server and rename the SpeedUpSqlDB to SpeedUpSqlDB.exe. The files are established.
  2. Double-click SpeedUpSqlDB.exe. The application runs.
  3. Select the name of your AE PM database, for example, VPMSER on server1 or AEDB1 on server1 and select the SQL Server authentication option. The login window appears.
  4. Enter Login ID - SA and the password for this user.

  5. Click Start to start the utility. The utility runs.

    Run this utility twice, by running it again immediately after the first one completes.
  6. Click Close. The speedup process is complete.
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