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Income details schedule (INCDTLS)


See Granular data – level of detail required on the ATO's website.

In an individual return, most income items now have a new or revised worksheet. You need to use the worksheets to enter income into those items. You can no longer enter the amounts directly into these labels.

These worksheets are integrated into the Income Details schedule (INCDTLS) and lodged with the 2020 individual tax return.

If the taxpayer declares income in any of the items shown below, you must complete the relevant worksheet. When you create any of the worksheets below, the INCDTLS schedule is automatically created.

ItemINCDTLS worksheet
Item 1: Salary or wages

Salary or wages payment summary(egc)

Foreign employment income payment summary (fei)

Item 2: Allowances, earnings, tips, director’s fees

Salary or wages payment summary(egc)

Item 3: Employer lump sum payments

Salary or wages payment summary(egc)

Item 4: Employment termination payments

Employment termination payment summary (py)

Item 5: Australian Government allowances and payments like Newstart, Youth Allowance, Jobseeker and Austudy payments

Australian Government allowances and payments worksheet (aga)

Item 6: Australian Government pensions and allowances

Australian Government Pensions and Allowances worksheet (agp)

Item 7: Australian annuities and superannuation income streams

Australian superannuation income streams worksheet (asi)

Australian annuities payment summary (aap)

Item 8 Australian superannuation lump sum payments

Superannuation lump sum schedule (PL)

Item 9: Attributed personal services incomeAttributed personal services payments (aps)
Item 10: Gross interestInterest Income worksheet (int) - Individuals
Accessing the Income Details schedule (INCDTLS) worksheets

The worksheets for INCDTLS can be accessed by the following ways within the tax return:

  • Select the label in the Income tab.
  • Go to preparation > schedule > Income Details schedule (INCDTLS) and press Y to access the relevant worksheet.
  • Go to preparation > schedule > select the relevant worksheet.
  • from the navigation bar on the left side of the ta return.

For example, to open the salary and wages worksheet (egc) go to:

  • Item 1, select Label C, or
  • Preparation > schedule > Income Details schedule (INCDTLS) and press Y at Section A - Salary and wages payment summaries, or
  • Preparation > schedule > select Salary and wages payment summary (INCDTLS).

Deleting the INCDTLS worksheets

To delete the INCDTLS schedule you must first delete any relevant worksheets. If there's a Y in the any of the sections in the INCDTLS schedule, it means that you've created a worksheet for that item.

  1. From within the tax return, go to Preparation > Delete schedules.
  2. Highlight the worksheet and select Delete
  3. After the worksheet is deleted, highlight the Income details schedule (INCDTLS) and then select Delete.

If you try to delete the Income details schedule (INCDTLS) without deleting any attached worksheet, you'll see the error

This schedule is linked to other income worksheets. You must remove all income worksheets before deleting this schedule.

Printing the INCDTLS schedules and worksheets

There is no ATO PDF copy for the INCDTLS schedule.

To print the income details schedule and the worksheet, you need to print ATO schedules and worksheets.

  1. Within the tax return, go to Reports > Print return.
  2. Enter the number of copies at ATO schedules and worksheets.

If you have more than 4 INCDTLS worksheets, it will be printed along with the worksheets.

We're bringing printing improvements to the INCDTLS worksheets in the upcoming service packs.

To help identify the Income details schedule worksheets, we've added the code INCDTLS at the end of the worksheet name and Y at the lodgable column.


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