The first time you click Lodgment Manager, you will be asked to complete the onboarding process. MYOB will provide you with a Software ID, which can be added to the ATO’s Access Manager to authorise lodgment through your MYOB AE/AO software.
If you don't complete the cloud software authorisation (CloudAuth) onboarding process, you can't access the Lodgment Manager Homepage. The software will remind you to finish this process if you decide to onboard at a later date.
If you have Tax installed on more than one server, you are required to register the Software ID for each location, even if the database on each server has the same practice agent ABN. This means you may have more than one MYOB Software ID registered in your ATO Access Manager.
Before starting the onboarding process, ensure that:
From the toolbar, click the Tax dropdown and select Lodgment Manager.
A prompt appears asking if you would like to register your MYOB Tax product with the ATO. Click OK to proceed.
MYOB will generate a unique Software ID for you to authenticate with the ATO. Make a note of this Software ID, or click Copy to copy the ID to the clipboard. Click Next when you’re ready to proceed.
The next screen contains instructions on how to authorise your software with the ATO. Using your software ID, follow the instructions in this window to complete the authorisation process.
After completing these instructions, click Next and then click Done on the final confirmation screen. The Lodgment manager homepage displays.
To register multiple ABNs
Some practices may have more than one ABN in their agent listing. This can occur when two practices merge, or if more than one agent shares an office. You can register both agents' software on the ATO Access Manager, each using their own Software ID.
The Software ID generates based on a combination of your ABN and your MYOB software licence number. This means that each ABN will have its own Software ID to register. The onboarding process registers the Practice ID.
To register more than one ABN, use the PLS Agent Settings task bar menu item on the Lodgment Manager homepage
From the toolbar, click the Tax dropdown and select Lodgment Manager.
From the Tasks bar click PLS Agent Settings.
The PLS Agent Settings and Cloud Software Authentication screen opens showing the Practice and a list of agents for the practice.
For an agent with a different ABN to the practice agent ABN, click Authorise.
MYOB will generate a unique Software ID for you to authenticate with the ATO. Make a note of this software ID, or click Copy to copy the ID to the clipboard. Click Next when you’re ready to proceed.
The next screen contains instructions on how to authorise your software with the ATO. Using your software ID, follow the instructions in this window to complete the authorisation process.
After completing these instructions, click Next.
Select I have registered my Software ID with the ATO, and then click Done.
Once the software ID has been registered, no further action is required to continue lodging successfully.
If you migrate your Tax program to a new server, you will need to complete the onboarding process again for each ABN.
To review task permissions for Lodgment Manager homepage
Employees with Super User permission are able to perform Ready to Lodge and Lodge tasks by default. We strongly recommend reviewing user permissions to restrict access to those tasks.
To do this:
In MYOB AE/AO, on the main menu, select Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Security > Task Permissions.
From the Product drop-down, select Tax.
From the Group drop-down, select the required Security Group. The Group Description window displays.
Under Group Description, click + against Maintenance to list the permissions for that area. The list expands and displays a check box in the Allow column.
Locate the Tax - Ready to Lodge and Tax - Lodge task items and review the permissions. Either:
Select the checkbox in the Allow column to give permission to a task or
deselect the checkbox in the Allow column to remove permission for the task
Repeat the steps 3-6 to set task permissions for the remaining security groups.
Click OK.
Close and re-open AE/AO for the changes to take effect.
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