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Creating Folders

Accountants Enterprise only

The term folder describes a directory and should be considered for use where the system administrator wishes to a different ledger selection according to departmental or individual team member needs.

Folders give you the ability to organise and group ledgers together. For example, you may only want to give certain team members access to your Practice Management System (PMA), Central Database System (CDS), ledgers but not Tax and Management Accounting System (MAS). You may have several partners or departments in your practice and want each team member to only access MAS ledgers relevant to the partner or department for which they work.

Before creating any folders it is important to consider:

  • How you would like your ledgers to appear?

  • Location of program files for each application.

  • Logical naming conventions for folders.

  • Visibility of ledgers to different users.

To create a folder
  1. From the Navigation bar, select Administration > Folders. The Folders window opens.

  2. Click File > New or right click on an existing folder and select New. The New folder properties window opens.
  3. Enter the Title for the folder you wish to create.

    The Folder Client code must be unique.

  4. Enter the shortcut code for this folder in the Reference field. This code should be unique.
    The local path or network path defaults to a sub-directory in the \SOL64 directory. The sub-directory name is taken from the Reference field. If you wish to change the folder location, overtype the text currently displayed in the local or network path field. The path must be an existing directory on the system.

    On a network, server based paths are expressed in UNC format (that is, start with ‘\\<server-name>\<sharename>…’).

  5. If appropriate, de-select the Contains master data files option. Refer to Folder properties.

  6. Click OK to complete.

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