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Folder properties

Accountants Enterprise only

The Folder properties window displays core information relating to the selected folder.

Master program and master data files may be separated. The default for any new folder may be set to have the master data files in the folder and the program file located centrally in \SOL64.

To view folder properties
  1. From the Navigation bar, click Administration > Folders. The Folders window opens.
  2. Select the folder required and click File > Properties. The Folder properties window opens.

Folder Properties General tab

  • Title: Displays the Name of the Folder selected.

  • Reference: Displays an optional user defined code. This code identifies folders when folder links are used. Altering the reference field in the Ledgers folder may result in errors when logging in. Unless all user preferences have been modified, do not alter the reference field for the Ledgers folder.

  • Use database server: Identifies this folder as using SQL/MSDE instead of the Cheetah File System. See How to Setup an SQL Folder.

  • Local/Network Path: Displays the location of the directory that this folder represents. When creating a new folder, if the Reference field has been defined it is used as the default sub-directory name.

  • Contains master data files: Check this option if ledger master data files are to be stored in the folder. If it is not checked, the master data files are expected to be located in the system directory (\SOL64). The Master Data Files option may simplify system maintenance in a large installation where MAS and related ledgers are stored in many different directory locations. Master Data Files may also be referred to as application data files or format files. By default, the checkbox for Contains master data files is selected.

  • Contains master program files: Check this option if ledger master program files are to be stored in the folder. If it is not checked, the system will look for the master program files in the system directory (\SOL64). Master program files are the software application. This checkbox is disabled for SQL folders and all master program files used by SQL are located in \SOL64. By default, the checkbox for Contains master program files is not selected.

Folder Properties Controls tab

  • Location: Displays whether a folder is located locally, on a network or remotely. This setting is defined by the system and cannot be altered.

  • Access: Displays whether a folder is Fixed, Mounted or Off-line. This setting is defined by the system and cannot be altered.

  • Storage: Displays whether the folder is available on a standard or archive storage medium. This setting is defined by the system and cannot be altered.

  • Items in folder: This is the number of ledgers in this folder.

  • Current users: This is the number of users currently logged into System Release.

Folder Properties Users tab

  • Client: Displays the Client codes of the items and shortcuts in the folder currently being accessed.

  • Type: Displays the application types currently being accessed.

  • User: Displays the user who is currently accessing the item.

  • Machine: Displays the machine name where the user is currently accessing the item.

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