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How to Setup an SQL Folder

Accountants Enterprise only

To utilise SQL functionality for your application ledgers, a new folder must be created and flagged accordingly. Existing data that is stored in a Cheetah File System folder (for example, Central Database and all Tax ledgers for 2003 or later) must be copied into this new folder to enable the required tables to be created for the SQL database.

The SR Data Access Layer (SR DAL) component and MSDE or SQL, must be installed and running before the SQL folder is created.

How to create a SQL folder
  1. From the Navigation bar, click Administration > Folders to open the Folder Maintenance window.

  2. Click File > New, or right click on an existing folder and select New to create a new SQL folder. The New Folder properties window opens.

  3. Enter the name of this folder in the Title field. It is highly recommended that you identify in the title that this is an SQL folder (for example, **SQL** Tax).
  4. Enter a user defined code in the Reference field which identifies folders when folder links are used. For example, TAXSQL. It is recommended that the code used is up to a maximum of 10 alpha-numeric characters in length and is unique.

  5. Tick the checkbox Use database server. This is the only mechanism that identifies this folder as using an SQL database. Selecting this checkbox changes the available fields below.

  6. Click the Down arrow 

    to list the available SQL servers, types and databases. Select the required information for the SQL folder being setup.

  7. Ensure the Contains master data files checkbox is ticked. The Contains master program files checkbox is blank for SQL folders as master programs reside in the \SOL64 folder.

  8. Click OK to create the SQL folder. Refer to Copying CFS Data into a new SQL Folder.

    If you are using Tax and Central Database on SQL/MSDE and are adding new clients to a prior year's tax ledger (that is, prior to 2003), client details must be maintained and added to both CFS and SQL/MSDE databases.

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