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Personal superannuation contributions (psc)

From 1 July 2018 if you want to claim a deduction for personal superannuation contributions, you must also complete the ATO's Deductions schedule.

Click label D12 to open the Personal superannuation contributions (psc) worksheet.

You may only claim a deduction for personal superannuation contributions if you are eligible to do so.

You must answer Yes to the question re eligibility to move to the data entry window.

If you've made personal contributions in the previous year, the Fund details will be rolled over and the fund's name details will be shown in the Select Schedule index.


Select the fund or click New to add a different fund. You may have up to 25 instances of the psc worksheet.

Follow the screen prompts and enter the details as required.

See Item D12 - Personal Superannuation Contributions

When you close the worksheet, we'll pass the total amount of personal superannuation contributions to D12 in the income tax return.

At the same time we'll pass each of the Fund transactions to the Distribution schedule (DDCTNS)

To learn about Excess superannuation contributions concessional and non-concessional, it's important to read Item D12 label H on the ATO website for further information.

Tax Pre-fill

This schedule can be pre-filled by using the ATO PLS Pre-fill functionality. See Pre-fill manager for full details on how to use the Pre-fill Manager.

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