V1400 - V1499
Property disposed of outside this financial year
Edit Test | ^GJQ # Null and (^GJQ < ('0107':(^ABB-1)) or ^GJQ > ('3006':(^ABB))) |
Explanation | Property must have been disposed of during financial year of the return. |
Form Type | BR EP ET |
Date property sold must be present
Edit Test | ^GJQ = Null and (^GJR # Null or ^GJT # Null or ^GJU # Null) |
Explanation | Date property sold must be present if Sale price of property or Value of depreciation recouped on the sale of the property or Value of building write-off recouped on the sale of the property are present. |
Form Type | BR |
Sale price or depreciation recouped or building write-off recouped required
Edit Test | ^GJQ # Null and (^GJR = Null or ^GJT = Null or ^GJU = Null) |
Explanation | If date property sold is present then sale price of property, depreciation recouped on sale of property and building write-off recouped on sale of property must be present. |
Form Type | BR |
Gross payment required on Payment Summary schedule
Edit Test | (^GGN > 0 or ^IFX > 0) and (^XXX # 'PS' or Sum.Tag{^GGE} # ^GGN + ^IFX) |
Explanation | An amount has been entered at gross payment where ABN not quoted (Item 6 Label A) and/or Gross payments subject to foreign resident withholding (excluding capital gains) (Item 6 Label B) and there are no corresponding amounts on the Payment Summary schedule (Label $). |
Form Type | EC PS |
Amount withheld required on Payment Summary schedule
Edit Test | ^GAG > 0 and (^XXX # 'PS' or (Sum.Tag{^GGD} where ^GGF = 'N') # ^GAG) |
Explanation | For a Company: An amount has been entered at tax withheld from payments where ABN not quoted (Label W) in the calculation statement and on the Payment Summary schedule there are no corresponding amounts (Label $) and the payment type is 'N'. For a Partnership or Trust: An amount has been entered at Tax withheld from payments where ABN not quoted (Item 6, label T) and on the Payment Summary schedule there are no corresponding amounts (Label $) and the payment type is 'N'. |
Form Type | EC EP ET PS |
Incorrect payment type
Edit Test | ^AWR = ['EC','EF','EP','ET','MS'] and ^XXX = 'PS' and ^GGF # ['N','F'] |
Explanation | Return type is Company, Fund, Partnership or Trust and the Payment Summary schedule does not have a Payment type code of 'N' or 'F'. |
Form Type | EC EF EP ET MS PS |
Amount withheld is incorrect
Edit Test | any occurrence of (^GGD > 0 and ^GGD > ^GGE*0.50 + 1) |
Explanation | There is an occurrence of the Amount withheld (Label $) on the Payment Summary schedule being greater than 50% of the Gross Payment (Label $). |
Form Type | PS |
Edit Test | ^AWR = ['AI','EI'] and ^XXX = 'PS' and ^GKP = Null |
Explanation | Nature of income type, Business or Personal services must be provided on the Payment Summary Schedule for individuals. |
Form Type | EI PS |
Total of the tax losses carried forward to later income years in schedule must equal tax losses carried forward to later years in the return
Edit Test | ^XXX = 'BP' and ^JBG # ^ARN |
Explanation | Total of the tax losses carried forward to later income years in the Losses schedule must equal tax losses carried forward to later income years (Label U) on the main income tax return. |
Form Type | BP EC EF ET MS |
Net capital losses carried forward incorrect
Edit Test | ^XXX = 'BP' and ^JBN # ^BRA |
Explanation | Net capital losses carried forward to later income years - Total (Part A2 Label V) in the Losses schedule is equal to the Net capital losses carried forward to later income years (Label V) on the main income tax return. |
Form Type | BP EC EF ET MS |
Capital gain/loss on sale of property required
Edit Test | ^GJS = Null and (^GJO > 19091985 and ^GJQ # Null) |
Explanation | If property originally purchased after 19/09/1985 and has been sold, capital gain/loss on sale of property must be present. |
Form Type | BR |
Continuity of majority ownership test only required for companies or widely held trusts.
Edit Test | ^AWR = ['EF','MS'] and ^XXX = 'BP' and (^JBO # Null or ^JBP # Null or ^JBQ # Null or ^JBR # Null or ^JBS # Null or ^JBT # Null) |
Explanation | Only companies and widely held trusts are required to indicate whether continuity of majority ownership test passed for each year of loss. |
Form Type | BP EF MS |
Companies are required to indicate whether continuity of majority ownership test passed for each year of loss
Edit Test | ^AWR = 'EC' and ^HEM = Null and ^BAD > 100000 and ^JBO = Null and ^JBP = Null and ^JBQ = Null and ^JBR = Null and ^JBS = Null and ^JBT = Null |
Explanation | Companies not part of the consolidated group that have Tax losses deducted of greater than $100,000 (Item 7 Label R) must complete Part B1 on the Losses schedule. Companies are required to indicate whether continuity of majority ownership test passed for each year of loss. |
Form Type | BP EC |
Widely held trusts are required to indicate whether continuity of majority ownership test passed for each year of loss
Edit Test | ^AWR = 'ET' and ^BLP = 'P' and ^BAD > 100000 and ^JBO = Null and ^JBP = Null and ^JBQ = Null and ^JBR = Null and ^JBS = Null and ^JBT = Null |
Explanation | Public unit trust (listed other than cash management unit trust) that have Tax losses deducted of greater than $100,000 (Item 25 Label C) must complete Part B1 of the Losses schedule. Trusts are required to indicate whether continuity of majority ownership test passed for each year of loss. |
Form Type | BP ET |
Losses schedule Part C not required
Edit Test | ^AWR # 'EC' and (^GHX # Null or ^GHY # Null or ^GHZ # Null or ^GIA # Null) |
Explanation | Part C - Unrealised losses (labels L, M, N and O) are applicable to a company only. The Funds and Trusts are not required to fill this part. |
Form Type | BP EC EF ET MS |
Answer to changeover time question is required
Edit Test | ^AWR = 'EC' and ^GHX = Null |
Explanation | A company is required to indicate whether a changeover time occurred by entering 'Y' or 'N' in part C label L of the Losses schedule. |
Form Type | BP EC |
Please complete B2, B3 and B4 on the Losses schedule
Edit Test | (^JBO = 'N' or ^JBP = 'N' or ^JBQ = 'N' or ^JBR = 'N' or ^JBS = 'N' or ^JBT = 'N') and (^GHS = Null or ^GHT = Null or ^GHU = Null or ^GHV = Null or ^GHW = Null) |
Explanation | If the answer to any of the continuity of majority ownership test questions in Part B1 was 'N', then Part B2 Labels G and H and Part B3 Labels I and J and Part B4 Label K must be completed. |
Form Type | BP |
Answer required to application of current year loss provisions question at Part B Label K
Edit Test | (^JBO = 'N' or ^JBP = 'N' or ^JBQ = 'N' or ^JBR = 'N' or ^JBS = 'N' or ^JBT = 'N') and ^GHW = Null |
Explanation | If the entity has not passed the continuity of ownership test ('N' to any labels in Part B1) then the entity will have to indicate whether 'current year loss' provisions apply (Part B4 Label K). |
Form Type | BP |
Check total gross rent
Edit Test | All occurrences of (^CXP + ^CXQ) # ^AFS |
Explanation | Total gross rent of schedules and gross rent value in return must be equal |
Form Type | BR EP ET |
Check total interest
Edit Test | All occurrences of ^CXR # ^AKA |
Explanation | Total interest of schedules and interest value in return must be equal |
Form Type | BR EP ET |
Check total of other rental deductions
Edit Test | All occurrences of (^CXU + ^CXV + ^CXW + ^CXY + ^CYE + ^CXZ + ^CYD + ^CYA + ^CYG + ^DAD + ^CYB + ^CXS + ^CYH + ^CYC + ^CYI + ^CYF + ^CYJ) # ^AKB |
Explanation | Total of rental expenses less Interest and Capital works (Special building write-off) of schedules and value of Other rental deductions in return must be equal |
Form Type | BR EP ET |
Check total net rent
Edit Test | All occurrences of ^CYL # (^AFS - ^AKA - ^GCG - ^AKB) |
Explanation | Total net rent of schedule and net rent value in return must be equal |
Form Type | BR EP ET |
Answer required to the question concerning maximum net asset value test at Part C Label M
Edit Test | ^GHX = 'Y' and ^GHY = Null |
Explanation | If a changeover time occurred in relation to a company completing Part C of the Losses schedule (Label L in Part C answered 'Y') then the company should indicate whether the maximum asset test was satisfied at the changeover time at label M in part C. |
Form Type | BP |
Answers to questions at Part C Labels M,N, or O are not required
Edit Test | ^GHX = 'N' and (^GHY # Null or ^GHZ # Null or ^GIA # Null) |
Explanation | In the Losses schedule, if a changeover time did not occur in relation to a company (Label L in Part C is 'N') then the company need not to answer other questions regarding the unrealised losses (label M, N or O must not be completed). |
Form Type | BP |
Answers to questions at Part C Labels N or O are not required
Edit Test | ^GHY = 'Y' and (^GHZ # Null or ^GIA # Null) |
Explanation | If the company completing Part C of the Losses schedule has satisfied the maximum asset test ('Y' to label M) then the other questions regarding the unrealised losses (labels N and O) must not be completed. |
Form Type | BP |
Answer required to the question concerning unrealised net loss at Part C Label N
Edit Test | ^GHY = 'N' and ^GHZ = Null |
Explanation | If the company completing the Losses schedule did not satisfy the maximum asset test at the changeover time (label M is 'N'), then the question regarding whether the company determined it had an unrealised net loss at the change over time (label N) must be answered. |
Form Type | BP |
Unrealised net loss at Part C Label O required
Edit Test | ^GHZ = 'Y' and (^GIA = Null or ^GIA = 0) |
Explanation | If the company completing the Losses schedule has determined that it had an unrealised net loss at the changeover time ('Y' to label N, Part C), then the amount of the unrealised net loss must be entered in label O. |
Form Type | BP |
Net capital gain incorrect
Edit Test | ^AWG > 0 and ^AWG > ^BQV |
Explanation | Net capital gain (Item 18 Label A) is greater than Total current year capital gains (Item 18 Label H). |
Form Type | EI |
Total current year capital gains required
Edit Test | ^AWG > 0 and ^BQV = Null |
Explanation | Net capital gain (Item 18 Label A) present. Total current year capital gains (Item 18 Label H) absent. |
Form Type | EI |
Complete Tax losses at part B Label I
Edit Test | (^GHU = Null or ^GHU = 0) and ^JBF > 0 and (^JBO = 'N' or ^JBP = 'N' or ^JBQ = 'N' or ^JBR = 'N' or ^JBS = 'N' or ^JBT = 'N') |
Explanation | There are Tax losses carried forward in the Current Year-5 and earlier income years (Part A Label G) and the continuity of majority ownership test was not passed in the Current Year-5 and earlier income years or in later years (Part B Labels A, B, C, D, E or F). The Tax losses carried forward should be shown in Part B Label I. |
Form Type | BP |
Complete Tax losses at Part B Label I
Edit Test | (^GHU = Null or ^GHU = 0) and ^JBE > 0 and (^JBO = 'N' or ^JBP = 'N' or ^JBQ = 'N' or ^JBR = 'N' or ^JBS = 'N') |
Explanation | There are Tax losses carried forward in the Current Year-4 income year (Part A Label F) and the continuity of majority ownership test was not passed in the Current Year-4 income year or in later years (Part B Labels A, B, C, D or E). The Tax losses carried forward should be shown in Part B Label I. |
Form Type | BP |
Complete Tax losses at Part B Label I
Edit Test | (^GHU = Null or ^GHU = 0) and ^JBD > 0 and (^JBO = 'N' or ^JBP = 'N' or ^JBQ = 'N' or ^JBR = 'N') |
Explanation | There are Tax losses carried forward in the Current Year-3 income year (Part A Label E) and the continuity of majority ownership test was not passed in the Current Year-3 income year or in later years (Part B Labels A, B, C or D). The Tax losses carried forward should be shown in Part B Label I. |
Form Type | BP |
Complete Tax losses at Part B Label I
Edit Test | (^GHU = Null or ^GHU = 0) and ^JBC > 0 and (^JBO = 'N' or ^JBP = 'N' or ^JBQ = 'N') |
Explanation | There are Tax losses carried forward in the Current Year-2 income year (Part A Label D) and the continuity of majority ownership test was not passed in the Current Year-2 income year or in later years (Part B Labels A, B or C). The Tax losses carried forward should be shown in Part B Label I. |
Form Type | BP |
Complete Tax losses at Part B Label I
Edit Test | (^GHU = Null or ^GHU = 0) and ^JBB > 0 and (^JBO = 'N' or ^JBP = 'N') |
Explanation | There are Tax losses carried forward in the Current Year-1 income year (Part A Label C) and the continuity of majority ownership test was not passed in the Current Year-1 income year or in later years (Part B Labels A or B). The Tax losses carried forward should be shown in Part B Label I. |
Form Type | BP |
Complete Tax losses at Part B Label I
Edit Test | (^GHU = Null or ^GHU = 0) and ^JBA > 0 and ^JBO = 'N' |
Explanation | There are Tax losses carried forward in the current income year (Part A Label B) and the continuity of majority ownership test was not passed in the current income year (Part B Label A). The Tax losses carried forward should be shown in Part B Label I. |
Form Type | BP |
Revocation details incomplete
Edit Test | (^GKX # Null or ^GLC # Null) and ^GKV = Null and ^GKW = Null |
Explanation | A Family Trust election is being revoked, but required information is missing. The TFN or 'No TFN' indicator is present but the Income Year for which election details were provided and/or Income year specified in the election being revoked are missing. |
Form Type | X |
Revocation details incomplete
Edit Test | (^GKV # Null or ^GKW # Null) and ^GKX = Null and ^GLC = Null |
Explanation | A Family Trust election is being revoked, but required information is missing. The Income Year for which election details were provided or Income year specified in the election being revoked are present, but the Specified Individual's TFN and 'No TFN' indicator are missing. |
Form Type | X |
Check year specified
Edit Test | ^GKW > ^GKV |
Explanation | The specified income year of the Family Trust election which is being revoked cannot be later than the income year of the tax return in which the election was made. |
Form Type | X |
Tax file number not required
Edit Test | ^GLC # Null and ^GKX # Null |
Explanation | The ‘specified individual does not have a TFN’ indicator is present and TFN has been provided. Correct response to question or delete TFN |
Form Type | X |
Tax withheld voluntary agreement required
Edit Test | (^GAP + ^GAQ) > 0 and ^FZM = Null |
Explanation | Amounts have been entered for Gross payments voluntary agreement (Item P8 Labels E and F) and Tax withheld voluntary agreement (Item 15 Label D) is missing. |
Form Type | EI |
Tax withheld voluntary agreement incorrect
Edit Test | ^FZM > 0 and ^FZM > (^GAP + ^GAQ)*0.50 |
Explanation | Amount entered at Tax withheld voluntary agreement (Item 15 Label D) is greater than 50% of Gross payments voluntary agreement (Item P8 Labels E and F). |
Form Type | EI |
Tax withheld labour hire required
Edit Test | (^GAR + ^GAS) > 0 and ^FZO = Null |
Explanation | Amounts have been entered at Gross payments labour hire (Item P8 Labels N and O) and Tax withheld labour hire (Item 15 Label F) is missing. |
Form Type | EI |
Gross payments labour hire required
Edit Test | (^GAR + ^GAS) <= 0 and ^FZO > 0 |
Explanation | Amounts have been entered at Tax withheld labour hire (Item 15 Label F) and Gross payments labour hire (Item P8 Labels N and O) is missing or equal to zero. |
Form Type | EI |
Tax withheld labour hire incorrect
Edit Test | ^FZO > 0 and ^FZO >(^GAR + ^GAS)*0.50 |
Explanation | Amount entered at Tax withheld labour hire (Item 15 Label F) is greater than 50% of Gross payments labour hire (Item P8 Labels N and O). |
Form Type | EI |
Primary production and/or Non-primary production total deferred losses incorrect
Edit Test | ^IOH + ^IOI > 0 and ^GAV = Null |
Explanation | If the sum of primary production deferred losses (Item 16 Label I) and non-primary deferred losses (Item 16 Label J) is greater than zero, then Business loss activity Industry code label is required. |
Form Type | EI |
Number of business activities missing
Edit Test | ^AIC # Null and ^GAM = Null |
Explanation | ANSZIC code has been entered at Item P2 Label A and Number of business activities (Item P3 Label B) is missing. |
Form Type | EI |