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Company forms and schedules lodged via PLS

MYOB worksheets

MYOB worksheets for dissection and record-keeping purposes only. Worksheets are not lodged with a return.

Base rate entity eligibility tests worksheet (bre)bre
Capital gains worksheet (g)(select Populate BW to add the ATO CGT schedule BW)g
Capital works deductions worksheet (sbw)sbw
Consolidation eligibility (head) (ce)ce
Consolidation eligibility (subsidiary) (ces)ces
Consolidated Group Membership Register (cgm)cgm
Consolidated Group Transferred Tax Losses schedule (ctl)ctl
Consolidation Losses Worksheet (clw)clw
Depreciation worksheet (d)d
Distributions from partnerships worksheet (dip)dip
Distributions received from trusts worksheet (dit)dit
Early stage investor offset worksheet (esi)esi
Early stage venture capital limited partnership (ESVCLP)esv
Franking Account Worksheetsfar
FFranking Account Worksheetssxfa
Franking Deficit tax offset worksheet (fdt)fdt
Foreign income worksheet (for)for
Forestry managed investment scheme worksheet (fms)fms
Gross dividends worksheet (div)div
Intangible/Tangible depreciating assets worksheet (it)it
Interest Income worksheet (int) - Entitiesint
Interest on early payments worksheet (epi)epi
Interest on no-TFN tax offset worksheet (ito)ito
Interest Paid on Loans (hcx)hcx
Landcare and water facility tax offset (lcr)lcr
Losses Transferred in, out or Carried Forward (hi3)hi3
Motor vehicle worksheet (mve)mve
Non-Refundable carry forward tax offsets worksheet (ncf) (Calculation statement - label D)ncf
Non-Refundable non-carry forward tax offsets worksheet (nro) (Calculation statement - label C)nro
Non-refundable R&D tax offset carried forward from previous year worksheet (rdc)rde
Other Addition Items worksheet (add)add
Other deductions worksheet (otd)otd
Other gross income worksheet (ogi)ogi
Other Subtraction Items worksheet (sub)sub
PAYGI Instalment Rate and GDP adjusted calculationsxPC
Prior year losses worksheet (pyl)pyl
Refundable tax offsets worksheet (rto) (Calculation statement - label E)rto
Rental Schedules (ren, rep and RNTLPRPTY)ren
Small business entity depreciating assets worksheet (sda)sda
Small business entity eligibility tests worksheet (sbe)sbe





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