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This feature is available if you've installed version 2018.1 or later.

The PLS Activity Statement and Agent Reports webinar is now available.

Webinar video

This video covers

  • PLS features
  • PLS activity statements
  • Agent reports

To view specific chapters, click the


Activity statements—FAQs

Why doesn't Lodgment Manager display activity statements that I completed before upgrading to 2018.1?

Form Type is a mandatory field for activity statements in PLS. Activity statements created before you upgraded to version 2018.1 will not have a Form Type.

To lodge activity statements created prior to 2018.1:

  1. Navigate to the Activity Statement Obligations homepage.
  2. Click the client name hyperlink.
  3. Click Yes to overwrite the data (this will populate Form Type).
  4. Re-complete the form.
How long does it take for activity statements to appear in the activity statement obligations homepage?

After you have requested for activity statement lodgment report from the agent reports homepage, it can take up to an hour for the obligations to appear in the activity statement obligations homepage.

Why doesn't the activity statement obligations homepage have the same information as the activity statements homepage?

The activity statement obligations homepage lists activity statements on an agent's lodgment report.

The activity statement homepage shows all activity statements, based on the filter selected.

The following table identifies which homepage an activity statement appears on.

Status of activity statement:Activity statement homepageActivity statement obligations homepage
Pre-fill Ready or Pre-fill Pending

Manually created but not on the latest lodgment report


What if my computer/server is turned off at the time scheduled for the lodgment report to run?

The MYOB SBR Sender Server must be running for the activity statement lodgment report to be downloaded. When you start your computer/server, the MYOB Sender Service starts up and retrieves the latest report from the ATO.

What if I receive a pre-fill error?

Click the Pre-fill Error hyperlink to view details of the error. Fix the error, select the activity statement and click Resend Pre-fill Request.

Do I have to pre-lodge activity statements?

Pre-lodge isn't mandatory, however, it performs valuable validation checks as well as checking values based on ATO data (not available in pre-fill).

Fields that can generate the error CMN.ATO.AS.EM060 [Label] was reported as [supplied value] and will be corrected to [tax office value] include:

5APAYG income tax instalment
8AAdd 2A + 4 + 5A + 6A + 7 + 7C
9Net amount for this statement (Subtract 8B from 8A)
T8Estimated tax for the year
T9Varied instalment, 9, 8A and 5A

See Pre-lodge an activity statement for more information.

Why is the client name blank in the activity statement obligations homepage?

If the client name shows blank in the activity statement homepage, it means that the ATO have them listed under your Agent number.

These clients

  • could be in your database but TFN or ABN details might be missing.
  • may have been removed from your database but the ATO's records show them listed under your agent number.
If the client isTo link the client
in your database but missing TFN or ABNEnter the TFN or ABN in the client details
current and not in your databaseAdd them in MYOB with all the relevant details

If the client is not your current client, you can remove them from the activity statement obligations homepage. See below for instructions.

How do I remove clients from the activity statement obligations homepage?

If you want to delete an activity statement for a client from the activity statement obligations homepage you can:

By following one of above options, the next time the activity statement lodgment report is downloaded, this client won't appear in your list.

  • Filter the clients on the homepage by:
    • Adding the 'Lodge by' column to the activity statement obligations homepage and clicking on Lodge by Client or Lodge by Agent from the Tasks bar to see the list of obligations. See Lodge by agent and lodge by client option

We're adding a new column Not Required in the activity statement obligations homepage in a future Tax service pack release.

Agent reports—FAQs

Missing EFT reports?

The EFT report is only available for tax returns lodged after scheduling the report in the Agent Reports homepage. If you're expecting an EFT report for tax returns lodged prior to scheduling the report, contact the ATO on 13 72 86 Fast Key Code 312 to get EFT data.

In the Agent Reports homepage, if the date in Last Requested and Last Received fields are the same, then there's no data in the report. We're working to add a message for when the ATO returns an empty report in a future release.

Download errors

If you see Download error in the Status column, click the red hyperlink to see more information about the error.

If you see the errorReasonTo fix

Agent report results have been requested 100 times with no response.

If the ATO has a scheduled maintenance for more than 2 days or their server is busy.

Reschedule the report.

See Rescheduling the ASLR and EFTRS reports

Error downloading the agent report - unauthorised security issue. contact support.


Reschedule the report

See Rescheduling the ASLR and EFTRS reports

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.