Based on the Education (Home-Based Care) Order 1992 and/or the Licensing Criteria for Home-Based Education and Care Services 2008, Inland Revenue’s Determination DET 09/02: Standard-Cost Household Service for Childcare Providers sets out the types of expenditure generally incurred (standard cost) by individuals providing childcare services in their home.
But, if you’re a childcare provider who’s registered for GST, this determination doesn’t apply to you.
Individuals providing childcare services in their homes may use the standard costs (set out in the determination) or their actual costs and income for calculating their tax. If your childcare activities began part-way through the year, calculate your tax from that date using either the standard costs or actual costs. See the Tax Information Bulletin (TIB) Vol 17, No 4 (May 2005) for details.
Show your childcare income at Question 23 if:
the determination applies to you, and your childcare taxable income is greater than nil, after standard costs have been deducted, or
you keep full records of your childcare income and actual expenses, and you make a taxable profit or loss after expenses have been deducted.
If you need help deciding whether you need to declare childcare income using standard costs, please call Inland Revenue.
You can’t offset any loss calculated using standard costs (see the determination) against other income in any income year.