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IR3NR Question 11 New Zealand royalties

Did you receive any New Zealand royalties between 1 April 2018 and 31 March 2019 that were paid, credited or otherwise dealt with on your behalf?

Show all royalties from New Zealand sources at Question 11, including royalties received by a partnership, estate or trust.

Don’t include royalties that have had NRWT deducted at the correct rate.

What to show in your return

From each royalty statement, copy the total amounts of tax deducted and the gross royalties to the boxes at Question 11.

Don’t send Inland Revenue your royalty statements, but keep them in case Inland Revenue ask for them later.

NRWT payable on your royalties

Refer to the Inland Revenue website at (search keywords NRWT rates) to find the NRWT rate on royalties for your country of residence. Multiply that rate by the amount in Box 11B of your return and print your answer in Box 11C.

The credits attached to the gross interest will be offset against the NRWT payable.

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