IR4 Company returns
Income tax return
All companies that are active and New Zealand resident for tax purposes (except for look-through companies) must file an IR4 income tax return each year, including bodies corporate and unit trusts.
Look-through companies (LTCs) file an IR7 income tax return each year they’re an LTC. For further information about LTCs refer to the Look-through companies (IR879) guide.
If yours is an Australian company or part of an imputation group, please see expand-Trans-Tasmanimputationandimputationgroups.
Return due date
If the company has a 31 March balance date, you have until 7 July 2019 to file the return, unless you have been granted an extension of time. If you have a balance date other than 31 March, this date may be different. Call Inland Revenue on 0800 377 774 if you are not sure of the filing date.
If the company has a tax agent, you may have until 31 March 2020 to file the return. If this applies, contact your agent.
Imputation return
Most New Zealand resident companies, unit trusts, producer boards and cooperatives must file an imputation return each year. If you’re an Australian company or part of an imputation group, please read expand-Trans-Tasmanimputationandimputationgroups. The following bodies don’t have to file imputation returns:
non-resident companies
look-through companies
trustee companies (but not group investment funds with Category A income)
any company with a constitution that prevents it distributing all its income or property to any proprietor, member or shareholder
companies whose income is completely exempt from tax
local authorities
Crown research institutes
non-active companies
Maori authorities.
If you need to file the company’s imputation return before the income tax return is due, to allow a refund to be released, complete an Annual imputation return (IR4J).