IR526 What can I claim?
A donation is a gift of money made voluntarily to a school/kindergarten or a donee organisation, where there is no identifiable direct benefit to the donor, or the donor’s family.
To claim a tax credit, a receipt must have the word “donation” written on it.
If you have receipts, you can claim a tax credit for donations of $5 or more.
Go to (search keyword: donee) for a list of approved donee organisations.
School/kindergarten donations
You can claim a donation tax credit for school fees or state-run kindergartens as long as they go to the general fund. Enter all donations made to school/kindergartens in Box 3.
Religious organisation donations
A religious organisation donation is an unconditional donation made to a donee religious organisation or group. Enter all donations made to donee religious organisations in Box 4.
Remaining donations
Enter all remaining donations in Box 5. If you made a donation through a religious organisation to an unrelated charitable organisation, enter this amount in Box 5.