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IR9 How to make payments

You can make payments:

  • electronically

  • by credit or debit card

  • by posting a cheque.

We recommend making electronic payments because it’s the most accurate and reliable method. These electronic options are available through your bank:

  • online banking

  • automatic payment

  • direct credit and

  • direct debit.

When making electronic payments, include:

  • your IRD number

  • an account type code

  • the period the payment relates to.

Go to for full details of the payment options.

Late payment

Inland Revenue may charge you a late payment penalty if you miss a payment or it’s late. They will also charge you interest if you don’t make your tax payment by the due date.

If you can’t pay your tax by the due date, call Inland Revenue on 0800 775 247. They will look at your payment options, which may include an instalment arrangement, depending on your circumstances.

Go to (search keywords: managing penalties) for more information.


If you’re unable to pay your tax by the due date, please call Inland Revenue. They will look at your payment options, which may include an instalment arrangement, depending on your circumstances. Arrangements can be agreed on, before or after the due date for payment. There are greater reductions in the penalties charged if the arrangement is made before the due date. You can send Inland Revenue an instalment arrangement proposal online. Go to (keyword: arrangement).

Self-assessment by taxpayers

Taxpayers have to assess their own liability as part of their return filing obligations. Inland Revenue may amend your assessment if a correction is required.

If you dispute Inland Revenue’s assessment please go to (search keyword: disputes) for more information. The four-month period for you to issue a notice of proposed adjustment (NOPA) to your self-assessment will start on the date Inland Revenue receives your return.

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