AccountRight/Essentials common ledger FAQs
General questions
Why can't I see the file I want to configure?
If you've searched the entire library and you can see company files but can't find the one file you want to work on in the list of ledgers to configure, try the following:
If you've configured... | Check... |
AccountRight (online) Essentials |
AccountRight (local) |
If you need to access company files across multiple computers, consider setting up a Network Library in AccountRight. With a Network Library, users can easily access all files stored in the network library folder. For details, see Manage libraries.
Why can't I see any online company files?
Normally, if you've configured your practice's my.MYOB settings, a list of all online files that your practice's MYOB Login has access to will be displayed when you go to select a company file. However, if you can't see any online files when selecting an AccountRight or Essentials file to configure, check your practice's my.MYOB Login has been configured in AE/AO.
To check if the login has been configured
- Go to Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Online > Practice my.MYOB Settings.
- Ensure that the email address in the MYOB Login field has been invited to your client files as an online Administrator.
- If the files you can't see are online AccountRight files, make sure that the:
- MYOB AccountRight Library service is running
- PC hosting your AccountRight library has the same version of AccountRight Server Edition and the AccountRight API (also called Addon Connector) that your client has installed.
You can have multiple versions installed, but one of those versions must be the same as your client's version.
My client has upgraded from AccountRight v19 to AccountRight 2018.3. Do I need to remap my account groups?
As long as the account codes haven't changed, you won't need to re-map the account groups. When you map accounts to the account groups, the system saves this mapping in the database to help automate the process and makes things easier for you.
Can I use Assets Live if I've configured a common ledger?
You sure can! Whether you create a brand new asset register or migrate an existing asset ledger, you can use the Client Accounting Assets tab to keep record your client's fixed assets and post movements to Workpapers.
If you've configured a MAS, Accounts or AO General Ledger to use with Workpapers, when next setting up your control groups, make sure that the integrated accounts in your asset control groups post to the new account codes in Workpapers.
Can I report on livestock quantities if I've configured a common ledger?
Under a common ledger, as long as you've posted the journal with quantities from within workpapers, quantities will appear in the Livestock Trading Report and in the Trial Balance (Workpaper) period Quantity column.
Why can't I post to AccountRight?
If you finish creating your journals and you click Post Journals but nothing happens or you get an error, there are few things you can check:
- Make sure the file isn't in Read-Only mode.
- Make sure the file has an active subscription.
- Make sure the period you're posting to is after the conversion month.
- Make sure the accounts you're posting to exist in the ledger.
- Make sure the period you're posting to is Lock a period.
- Make sure the Current Financial Year in your common ledger matches the workpaper period.

Which workpaper template do I use?
MYOB Workpapers has over 80 built-in industry standard templates, and we keep building more!
Each practice runs things a little differently, so we recommend that Partners and Practice Administrators review the available templates and set a practice rule for which templates should be used.
You can download our handy 2019.0_MYOB_Workpaper_Templates_AU_July_2019.pdf or 2019.1_MYOB_Workpaper_Templates_NZ_Jun_2019.pdf to help you compare and review which one you want to use.
How do I...
Set up a Trust/Partnership to use with Client Accounting?
We hear this question a lot, so we've prepared a guide that walks you through Setting up Trusts and Partnerships in AccountRight/Essentials for reporting in Statutory Reporter.
It covers:
- setting up the chart of accounts
- distributing profit or loss
- mapping the account groups.
If your client is a Trust, the beneficiary accounts can be classified as either equity or liability. Client Accounting caters for both when allocating accounts to the account groups.
Why do you recommend allocating beneficiary accounts to Liability account groups?
In a common ledger, you won't be able to post any journals to the Current Year Earnings system account. To ensure no retained earnings are carried forward to the next year, you'll need to offset the earnings using another equity account such as the Distribution to Beneficiaries account. When you credit the beneficiary Share of Profit accounts, you'll also be raising a liability for the trust distribution to be paid the next year.
Any movements posted to the beneficiary accounts are reflected in the Unpaid Present Entitlements section of the Balance Sheet.
Import transactions into the common ledger?
If you're using a common ledger with Client Accounting, you'll need to import the data directly from within the common ledger software. To find out more, select your product below:
If you're using... | Refer to... |
AccountRight | Importing and exporting data |
Essentials | Importing and exporting |
Report on departments using an AccountRight chart of accounts?
Whether your client is using AccountRight or Essentials, you can set up your client's ledger to produce reports for each department in MYOB Statutory Reporter.
The main tasks in producing departmental reports are:
- setting up the Chart of Accounts
- configuring the department settings
- mapping the account groups and generating reports.
For details, see Establishing departments in AccountRight and new Essentials to report correctly in Statutory Reporter
Fix the error "You have not configured a valid financial data source?"
You'll get the error "You have not configured a valid financial data source" where the system can't access the configured file.
To fix the error
- Log in to AE/AO with your MYOB login and make sure you can access the file directly from AccountRight or Essentials.
- If you still get the error and you're using AccountRight, check the following items:
If you've configured... | Check... |
AccountRight (online) |
AccountRight (local) |
AccountRight Classic (v19 or earlier) |
If you still get the error and you're using a firewall or proxy server, make sure it has been Configuring your Firewall or Proxy for MYOB AE/AO.