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Additions and disposals

This report lists the assets that have been acquired and/or disposed during the current financial year by Asset Control Group. It provides information on the following:

  • Asset Code.

  • Accounting Acquisition date.

  • Disposal date.

  • Termination value.

The data displayed will be dependent on the Register Settings (see Editing asset register settings for more information). If the setting is:

  • Accounting and Taxation, both sections will be displayed and the information will be based on the Accounting Acquisition date.

  • Accounting only, only Accounting details are displayed and the information will be based on the Accounting Acquisition date.

  • Taxation only, only Taxation details are displayed and the information will be based on the Taxation Acquisition date.


  • Original Cost: the amount is only displayed where the Accounting Acquisition Date is not in the current year, otherwise a nil amount is displayed.

  • Profit or loss on sale: If loss on sale, the amount is enclosed in brackets. If profit on sale, the amount will not be enclosed in brackets.


(Australia) The taxation details are left blank for assets in a Low Value Pool or SB Pools.

  • Original Cost: displays the Taxation Original Cost and any Additional Expenditures. The amount is only displayed where the Accounting Acquisition Date is not in the current year, otherwise a nil amount is displayed.

  • Profit or loss on sale: If loss on sale, the amount is enclosed in brackets. If profit on sale, the amount will not be enclosed in brackets.

How to generate the Additions and disposals report
  1. Open the Assets Listing page. See Opening an asset year.
  2. Select Reports > Additions and disposals on the main menu. The Report Options — Additions and disposals window opens.
  3. Select the Date range for the report. By default, the Starting from and Ending on dates are those associated with the launched asset year. The Starting from date cannot be changed. The Ending on date can be changed, if required. The Ending on date must be within the current year. To change the Ending on date, enter a date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select a different date from the drop-down calendar. Click Today on the drop-down calendar to use the current date.
  4. The Additions and Disposals checkboxes are both selected by default. If you do not wish to display these in the report, deselect the corresponding checkbox.
  5. Click OK to generate the report. The Additions and disposals report is displayed as a web html page.
  6. Use the toolbar options of the MYOB Assets: Additions and Disposals Report window to search, print and/or save the report. See Reports toolbar options.
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