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Configuring a MAS ledger

The Workpapers and Assets modules of Client Accounting can be used with MAS ledgers.

Once you've prepared the end-of-year accounts in Client Accounting and you're happy with your balances, post your journals back to the MAS Ledger. You can then collate the financial reports using AE Reporter.

Statutory Reporter only works with AccountRight, Essentials and MYOB Ledger data sources.

If a MAS ledger is configured to be the financial data source for a client, the Reports tab will not be available for use for that client and will be greyed out.

To configure a MAS ledger
  1. In AE/AO, open a client and go to the Client Accounting > Trial Balance/Workpapers) tab.
  2. On the TASKS bar, click Edit Configuration Details.

  3. From the Product drop-down, select MAS.

  4. Click the Data connection details field ellipsis (

    ), select a MAS ledger from the list of available ledgers to configure.

    You can search for a MAS general ledger by entering the ledger code or, part of the ledger name.

  5. Click OK and click OK again. The ledger is configured and the ledger details are displayed in the right-hand pane of the Trial Balance/Workpapers tab.


My reports tab is greyed out. How do I print reports?

The Reports tab in Client Accounting (or "Statutory Reporter") is only available for use with AccountRight, Essentials and MYOB ledgers.

This doesn't mean that you can't produce a set of financial reports – it just means that you need to use AE Reporter to create reports.

If you want to use Statutory Reporter, you can always Migrating an existing ledger. Before you jump the gun and move your data, first make sure that Statutory Reporter meets your client's reporting requirements.

Statutory Reporter is a simple reporting tool that lets you meet the basic reporting requirements of a non-reporting entity. Although AE Reporter is more complex, it allows you to produce highly customised, specialised reports.

Why can't I see any MAS ledgers to configure?

Client Accounting needs to know the location where your MAS ledgers are stored. If Client Accounting can't identify this location, the ledger list will appear blank as if there are no MAS ledgers available for configuration.

If you experience this issue or, you receive the error "MAS Application not found", check out MAS ledgers list is blank when configuring a data source for information on how to resolve this error.

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