If you have Document Manager and a Document Manager document is specific to an account, you can link the document and account. For example, you can link a bank statement to the bank account, or a asset purchase contract to the specific asset account.
You can attach Document Manager documents to detail and header accounts.
To link Document Manager documents to an account
Go to the client’s Client Accounting > Trial Balance (Workpapers) tab and click a period in the Select Period section. See Opening an existing period.
On the TASKS bar, click Open Period. The table for the period appears.
Select the checkbox in the first column for the selected account.
On the TASKS bar, click Link document. The Search for a document window appears.
See also searching tips below this procedure.
Select the documents to link and click OK. The Link Document window appears.
Ensure that the correct account is displayed in the Account field.
Check that the correct file names are displayed in the Name field. If multiple files are being linked, the file names are separated by a semi-colon (;).
Click Link. The Document Manager files are linked to the selected account. The files are displayed as a sub-row under the account in the table. A paperclip
icon identifies a linked document.
Search for a document: tips
By default, the Current option is selected in Search Contacts. Only documents for the client for whom the workpapers period is being completed will be searched. If required, you can select the All option and click the ellipse button to select a new client.
Enter criteria into the Search Criteria fields to refine the search. Searches can be based on:
Title and Author—enter the title of the document on the Titlefield and / or select the author on the Authordrop-down.
Reference no—select the Reference nooption and enter the document reference number on the text field.
Display related entity documents—displays all the documents for any of the clients/contacts listed on the Associatedtab for the current contact/client and for the parent, children and siblings from the Billing Grouptab. If this option is selected all the documents for clients/contacts in the same family group as the currently selected client/contact are displayed.
To display all documents for the selected client leave the search criteria blank and click Search.
Documents that match the search criteria are displayed in the table. The total number of documents returned by the search is displayed at the top of the table.
To sort or filter the search results:
Click any column heading to sort the results alphabetically or numerically.
Use the first row in the table to filter the search results. In any of the Reference No, Client, Document Title and Author fields click the drop-down and select the value to filter on from the drop-down.
The criteria on which to filter the search results can also be entered. Enter the value you wish to use as a filter into any of the Reference No, Client, Document Title or Author fields and press [Enter].
Use wildcards for advanced filtering. For example, to filter the results to view only those documents starting with C, enter C and an asterisk (*) into the Document Title field and press [Enter].
Click to clear the search filter.
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